Page 16 of Grim's Gem
“Yeah, we only just found out, and we want to make sure we are a bit further along before telling anyone. You know, just in case…” She cuts me off before I can finish.
“Oh, most definitely. I understand and promise I will keep my trap shut. Just be safe, okay? Take care of that little pea with everything you’ve got.” And with that, she walks away.
Hmm, that was weird but sweet. I shrug my shoulders before heading out of the compound and to my car. It only takes me seventeen minutes to get to my mom's shop, and I look around the parking lot before going in. I just need to make sure Robby isn’t here, lurking around. I swear I would see him in the weirdest places before Gray and I reunited. My momma banned him from the shop, so at least I was safe there, but it didn't stop him from hanging around the parking lot across the street. I don't see him, though, and I breathe a little easier before getting out of my car and walking into the shop.
“Well, looky here. Where the hell have you been, bitch?” Makayla, one of my mom's stylists, asks, smiling from her chair. She is working on a lace front, and I can see the mischief in her eyes.
“I heard she’s been getting her bell rung by some big shot doctor,” Tamara says, sweeping up her station.
“Oh, Doctor? I heard he was a biker.” Tansy smiles my way. She’s sitting at her station separating extensions for her next client.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. Let's get this over with. I am dating Gray Adams. He is a sexy-as-hell biker who also happens to be a doctor. He's fine, and he’s all mine. Are we done now?” I ask, placing my hands on my hips and glaring at each of them. I know they are only picking on and giving me hell, so it doesn't bother me. We each give each other shit, but we love each other something fierce as well.
“Alright, alright. Stop hounding my baby girl. Come see momma, my sweet Jade,” my momma says from her office door.
I walk over to her and immediately throw my arms around her while she hugs me back and kisses the top of my head.
“Hey, baby girl. Come on in. I think we have some things to talk about,” she says, sliding her hand over my belly and smiling at me.
Chapter Thirteen
“Dr. Adams, you have a patient in room 12,” Nurse Write says, handing me a folder I quickly scan.
Luckily, this one ended up being a heartburn case, but the twenty-seven-year-old patient was worried it was a heart attack.
“Dr. Adams, you have a visitor,” Nurse Write tells me, not looking up from the nurses' station. I smile when I see Jade with a bag from the Diner downtown. She smiles back, and I walk up to her before bending and kissing her. I ensured everyone knew she was allowed back if she showed up. I might not always get a break, but she will come first over everything, no matter what.
“Come on. We can go into the break room. What did you get me?” I ask, taking the bag from her, taking her hand with my free one, and leading her down the hall.
“I didn't expect you to have time. I was just going to drop it off, but it's a bacon cheeseburger with fries and a piece of pecan pie,” she says, sitting at one of the tables. Luckily, there isn't anyone else in here at the moment.
“Yeah, lucky timing for now. How has your day been? How is the shop?” I ask, unwrapping my cheeseburger and taking a bite.
“The shop is good. I didn't realize how much I missed it. Don't get me wrong, I love being with you every night, but I grew up in that shop. I remember going in nearly every day, cutting my doll's hair in the chair next to my mom, listening to her and her friends connect on a level that was more than family. Surrounded by strong, loving women and learning everything I could about life. It was just good to be back, ya know?” she asks, looking at me nervously.
“Clover, I can completely understand that feeling. When we finally have a house together, hopefully on the compound property close to my brothers, I know that will be home, but the clubhouse is that environment for me. One that feels just right, where I’ve taken my highest of highs but been at my lowest of lows. But my brothers were there for me at both those points in my life. My club was there for me,” I tell her, watching the smile grow slowly across her face.
“That's exactly how it feels. I’m so happy you get it. I don't plan to quit even when the baby is born. I want them to grow up there just like I did,” she says sternly, like I would ever have a problem with that.
“Baby, that shop, those women, this baby's grandma. They are a part of your life, making them a part of my life and any future kids we have together. I don't care if they spend every spare minute they aren't spending with me at that shop. Teach our daughters to braid. Hell, teach our sons to braid. Hopefully, one day, they will have daughters of their own and can give their partners that type of support. I would never even think of taking that from you and your mom. That shop, those ladies, and that environment taught you to be the woman you are today, and I love the fuck out of the woman you are today. Why would I not want my kids to know that?” I ask her seriously. I see the tearsgather in her eyes, so I lean down and kiss the corner of each before pulling back and taking another big bite of my burger. I hear Jade clear her throat before she starts talking again.
“So anyway, how has your day been?” she asks, taking a bite of the fries she's dipping in ketchup and mayonnaise mixed together.
“Can’t complain too much. Hopefully, it's a normal shift, and I can get off around six. What time are you thinking of heading back to the clubhouse?”
“I usually work until four thirty, but I’m going to take an appointment for one of the other girls. Her babysitter called and said her son was sick, so she wanted to clear the rest of her day. I didn't have any appointments today, so I took over for her, so she still gets the tips and pay.” She shrugs like it's no big deal, but I see the heart shining out of her eyes.
My girl may be sassy and doesn't take shit from anyone, but she has a heart of gold that anyone who will give her a chance can see. I lean over one more time and kiss her lips just as she takes a bite of her burger. I can't help it; I can't stop touching her if I’m near her. She’s lucky I didn't throw her on the table and fuck her when we walked in. Seeing as no one was in here, it crossed my mind, but I didn't want to get an emergency call and have to leave Jade with her legs spread if something came up.
“You’re fucking amazing; you know that?” Before she can answer or deny my statement, I continue so she doesn't get the chance. “So, what time is your last appointment?”
“Three-thirty. But it shouldn't take too long. I should leave the shop around five thirty,” she says, shrugging.
“Just promise to take a lot of breaks and…” She cuts me off.
“And don't stay on my feet for too long. Don't forget to eat and don't work too much. Yeah, I know I get it,” she says, rolling her eyes. I chuckle, but still give her a stern look.