Page 15 of Grim's Gem
“Anything else y’all need to talk about? I’m calling for church tomorrow. We have a run coming up, and I think Volt and Drift are coming back into town,” Swift says, addressing the table. We all nod, knowing he really wants to get his woman and have some alone time. I plan on doing the same thing after I take care of the asshat.
“Let’s ride,” I tell Loki and Hitter as we go outside to our bikes. I know Swift will tell the women we have business to attend to, butI need to get this shit done. Ain't no way I’m letting my woman’s momma come to any trouble because of a pencil dick like Robby Mullins.
We make it across town and to his cookie-cutter little house. It would be nice if it didn't hold straight garbage inside. I look over at the houses next to Robby’s and make sure no one is poking around. We can’t get caught out here. We have friends on the force, and maybe the new chief is in our pockets, but we still don't want to make things messy. We walk straight up to the door. I bring my foot up and kick it in without bothering to check if it's unlocked. The first thing we hear is screaming from the back of the house. We all three draw our weapons and rush toward the sound. When we make it to the back room, the scene in front of us has us all raging.
Robby is lying on top of a woman or girl; I'm not quite sure either way. Her hands are tied together with zip ties, and she is fighting with all she has as tears stream down her face. I charge into the room, and Loki is right at my side as we come down on top of this stupid piece of shit. We don't hold back as we kick and beat the asshole, but this won’t be enough. First, he tried to force himself on my woman. Now, we caught him attempting to rape the girl. I turn back at her whimpers and see Hitter holding his hands up and slowly approaching her.
“We’re not going to hurt you, Hunny. That piece of shit over there tried to do this same thing to my buddy's woman. We came back to make sure it didn't happen again. How old are you?” he says softly, but the girl still struggles.
“Hi, sweetheart. My name is Gray Adams. I’m a doctor over at Emory Hospital. Can we untie you and get you some help?” She is only in her underwear and bra, and I look around and see a robe on the bathroom door. I hand her the robe, and she looksat us with a shaky voice that both breaks my heart and has me ready to kill.
“M-my name is Ellie, I just turned eighteen, and he told me h-he would take my family's home if I didn't go on a d-date with him. B-but after we went to eat, he wouldn't take me home. H-he made me come here. C-can I please go home? I just want to go home.” She bursts out crying, and Hitter quickly steps up to her and gets her out of the room.
I turn back to Robbie, smiling at the thought of using my tools on this motherfucker.
Chapter Twelve
After we hashed out our plan for girls' night, hopefully, next Friday night, we putPractical Magicon the big screen and made some popcorn. We all sit back in our seats and enjoy the movie. Not far into it, though, Swift and Comp come into the room, trying to lure Piper and Sunny away. They try to shove them out of the way to see the screen.
They tell us the other guys had some business to take care of, which has us all rolling our eyes—whatever, it's coming to the good part, anyway. You know, where the girls get to kill the asshole. Twice. Yeah, that part. Piper and Sunny are on their men's laps, Piper is popping Swift's hand every time he tries to get some popcorn, and I swear I see him pout before snuggling further into her. Comp is trying to kiss Sunny's neck, which has her giggling and shushing him.
We watch the movie, and just as the girls jump off the roof, Gray enters the room. He glances my way, and I see a hardness in his face, one I’ve never seen before. This is not my Gray; this is Grim. This is a Reckless Omen. I shiver, trying not to find it utterly, devastatingly hot, but I sure as hell do. He gives me one last second of eye contact before he turns to Swift and motions with his head. With that, both Swift and Comp gently place Piperand Sunny off their laps and onto their seats as the men leave the room.
We girls all turn and look at each other before once again shrugging. The men will probably tell one of us, and we will all be filled in by tomorrow. That’s what the girls tell me, anyway. They told me that the men will have to keep some things from all of us for our protection, but the smaller stuff they don't like to keep. I love this family's dynamics and hope I get to stay a part of it.
“Whelp, I think I’m about ready for bed. I love you ladies, but I need some sleep before Bronx’s midnight snack,” Piper says, waving and heading out.
“Yeah, I got plans for me, my bed, and my man. Wait, maybe we will try the second-floor balcony since Sunny has the kids,” Halle says, laughing while racing through the door. Sunny, Izzy, and I all say our goodnights as Sunny and Izzy link arms to head out. I smile again as I make my way to Gray's room. Maybe I will take a nice hot bath before lotioning up and waiting in bed for my man.
I yawn as I get to the door and sit on the bed to undress. I lay my head on the new silk pillowcase just for a moment. I’ll get up and get in the bath in just a second. I yawn once again, and that's the last thing I remember. I feel Gray slipping into the bed behind me and bringing me back against his chest before too long. I just snuggle in deeper and fall right back to sleep.
The next morning, I walk into the closet to get dressed as Gray comes up behind me and grabs me by the waist.
“What are your plans for the day?” he asks, kissing the side of my neck. I moan, leaning my head further to give him better access.
“I figured I would stop by the shop and help my mom, since you have to be at work. Plus, I have a feeling that woman already knew why I wasn't feeling well, and she was holding out on me.” I grin and shake my head as Gray laughs outright.
“Alright, just promise me you’ll be safe, take frequent breaks, and don't stay on your feet too long,” he frets, and I roll my eyes.
“Lord, you are going to be overbearing this whole pregnancy, aren't you?” I ask. All I get is a smirk and a wink before he pulls back and goes to grab his shoes.
“If you get bored and want to stop by the hospital, you can. I hate the thought of not seeing you until tonight. I won't promise I’ll be able to get away, but I’d still like to see you if you're feeling up to it,” Gray says, lacing his boots.
“I might stop by and bring you lunch if you want. I hate the thought of not seeing you, too,” I admit. It might seem clingy for some, but I’ve gotten used to Gray being with me nearly twenty-four-seven, and I’m not ready to give that up. It would be different if he had a nine-to-five job, but there's no telling what his hours will be as a doctor.
“Alright, Clover. I should be home around seven tonight, but no promises,” he says, smiling at me. I walk over to him, stand on my tiptoes, and lay a smacking kiss on his lips.
“Go save lives, Mr. Grim Reaper.” I pause… “Wait, why do they call you Grim if you were meant to save lives?”
He just smiles, winks, and walks out.
“That's a story I’ll have to tell you later… Maybe,” he chuckles when I stomp my foot, but doesn't stop. I roll my eyes and follow out of the room behind him.
Halle catches me before I can walk out of the clubhouse, though. I wave bye to Grim, letting him know he can go ahead.
“So, you and Grim… having a baby, huh?” she whispers before the biggest smile I’ve ever seen breaks across her face. In her eyes, there's something else there, though. Maybe it's sadness, longing, hell, or both, but I don't understand it. Loki is obsessed with making her happy, so I know if she wanted a baby, he would be more than willing to make it happen.