Page 18 of Grim's Gem
“I-I have to get to the shop, and you have to get to the hospital,” I sputter.
“Then I guess we will just have to make this quick.” He smirks, reaching behind me and finding a long leather belt. He keeps his eyes on mine as he loops it around the metal pole bolted to the wall that holds all our hanging clothes. He takes mywrists and loops the belt around them before pulling my hands above my head. He has been distracting me with little nips and sweet kisses, and I didn't notice my hands are now stuck above me.
“Gray.” I look at him and raise a brow, only now noticing he’s wearing those damn glasses of his. Fantasy unlocked.
“Turn around, Clover,” he demands, and as much as I want to obey his order, I can't let him think I’m just going to roll over without some snarky comment.
“Watch the tone, Gray, and what will you do if I don't?” I raise a brow at him, knowing I’m pushing his limits. Good.
“Always with that sassy as fuck mouth. One day, I’m going to put you on your knees and see if you can come up with that spice while my cock is shoved down your throat… but that will have to wait until after the baby,” he says. How can he be so dominating and sexy one minute, then flip a switch and be so sweet? Either way, the combination of the two has my body ready to ignite.
“You can try, but I don't get on my knees for no man,” I lie. I lie straight through my teeth. If this man asked me to bend over backward and suck his cock, I would find a way to do it, but that doesn't mean I can let him know that. Got to keep him on his toes.
“Would it help if I got on my knees first?” he asks, grabbing the sides of my jeans and sliding them off as he kneels in front of me. Once he has my pant down around my knees, he leans his face into my core and takes a deep breath. Fucking hell, my legs are shaking already.
“I wish I could spend hours down here, but this has to be fast,” he says, standing back up and shoving his pants down. I scowl at him.
“You fucking tease,” I growl, but he just chuckles before turning me around and pulling my ass and legs farther out.
“Sorry, baby. I’ll make it up to you later, but right now, it's all about my dick in this pussy.” He doesn't wait for my response. He shoves deep inside me as I throw my head back in pleasure.
Yeah, this man could definitely bring me to my knees.
Chapter Fifteen
I take one more look at the chart in my hands before placing it on my desk and walking out of my office.
“Oh Dr. Adams. I was actually coming to speak with you,” Miss Kline, the pain in the ass patient, says, walking toward me in the hallway.
I’m so sorry, Miss Kline. I’m late for an appointment,” I say as I walk around her. She grabs my arm, causing me to stop.
“Please, I need you. I need you to help me,” she pleads, and as much as I want to ignore it, I know I need to figure out what's going on. I took an oath as a Doctor to save lives. I could never forgive myself if someone were in danger, and I ignored them.
“How serious is it? Are you in some kind of trouble?” I ask, pulling my arm away gently but turning to look at her.
“No, nothing like that. I just needed to get a signature on some paperwork saying that I can't return to work for a couple of weeks,” she says, looking up and down the hallway.
“Okay, why didn't you get the doctor that saw you last to sign off on it?” I ask, knowing I’ve pulled her off my patient list. I refuse to be in the same room as this woman if I can help it. There's just something about her that tells me she’s trouble.
“Because I didn’t want to be seen by Dr. Matthews, I wanted to be seen by you. Can we go into your office and talk… alone?” she asks, batting her eyelashes at me. That's it. My patience is gone.
“Look, if you have a problem, you should be seen by your primary care physician. Otherwise, get it signed off by Dr. Matthews. You are no longer my patient, and I can't sign off on any paperwork that lists you on it. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m on my way to see my fiance,” I say once again, moving to the side and trying to step around her.
“Please, Gray, just talk to me.” Why is this woman saying my name and speaking to me like she fucking knows me?
“Look, I’m late for an appointment with my fiance. If I miss hearing the gender of my baby, I will come at you with full force,” I say, ripping my arm away from her.
“Baby?” Her eyes get wide, and she looks at me with… excitement? What the hell is wrong with this lady?
“Yes, now, if there isn't anything else. Have a good day,” I say before turning and stalking away. I roll my shoulders, trying to curb my protective feelings. I don't know what the hell is wrong with me, but it feels like I’m missing something.
I hop on my bike and roar out of the parking lot. I took the rest of the day off after the appointment. We are finding out the gender of the baby today, and then tomorrow we are having a big party with the club. Neither Jade nor I wanted to wait too long to announce what we will be having, so we made Halle buy both Blue and Pink colors for the reveal, and we will hand her the card the doc gives us. Honestly, I couldn't care either way. As long as my baby comes out healthy and hopefully as beautiful as my amazing woman, I could give a rats ass about the gender. Pulling up beside Jade's car, I make it to the doctor's office in no time. When she sees me, she smiles before hopping out.
“Hey! I was worried you wouldn't be able to get off for the appointment. You didn't have to come, you know,” she says, placing her hand on her hip.
“Wouldn't miss this for the world,” I say, grabbing her by the waist and pulling her against me. I slide my hand down to her ass, grabbing a fist full as I kiss her forehead. Yeah, I need to back off before I walk into this building full of pregnant women with a hard-on. Yeah, that does not seem like the best idea. I grab Jade's hand and nearly drag her into the building.