Page 19 of Grim's Gem
“Slow down, caveman. Even if we are early, we still have to wait for the appointment time,” she chuckles, but it still doesn't slow me down.
“You don't know that,” I grumble, pulling her into the waiting room and sitting her in the chair. “Stay here. I’ll get the paperwork done.”
I walk to the front desk, looking straight at the gawking woman at the front desk. I’m used to that look. I’m big, I have a lot of tattoos, not to mention I’m wearing my cut. I can't tell if this woman is scared or not, but as I make it to the desk, she finally gets that look off her face.
“C-can I help you?” she asks, licking her lips.
“We have an appointment,” I say impatiently, ready to get this part over with so we can get to the good part. I want to see my baby again so badly. I’ve snuck Jade into the hospital a few times and ‘borrowed’ the ultrasound machine several times. I can't help it. I love my baby so much already.
“Name?” she asks, turning to her computer.
“Ada- I mean Chapman,” I growl out. That just reminds me I need to marry her ass and get her last name changed. Best fucking believe that shit will be done before my baby is here. We will all three walk out with the same fucking last name. Hell, I would change my last name to hers as long as it means we are the same and I have her sexy ass locked down.
“Your sister is all checked in and…” I don't let her finish.
“Fiance,” I growl before taking the clipboard from the counter and stomping toward my woman. She raises a brow at me, but I look down and see her hands placed on her belly, which immediately lifts my grumpy mood.
“Is she moving? Can you feel her?” I ask in awe, sitting beside her and placing my hand beside hers.
“No, she must be sleeping at the moment. I can't wait until you get to feel her,” she says in awe.
I thought she would fly to the moon the first time she felt our baby move. Her face lit up, and I wasn't sure if she would ever stop crying. I just wish I could feel them kick. I’m trying to wait patiently, but it's hard. I see the proof of my baby growing every day in her belly, and I’m ready to meet them. I lean down, kissing her belly one more time before sitting back up straight and starting on the paperwork.
“I can do that,” she says, going to grab the paperwork.
“I don't mind,” I say, smiling over at her.
“You don't know the answers to all the questions,” she says, smirking like she's got one up on me.
“Hmmm.. you actually think that's true?” I say with a challenging smile of my own.
“Yeah, I do,” she says, crossing her arms.
“Alright, which question exactly do you think I don't know?” I ask, raising a brow.
“What's my social security number?” she asks. That's an easy one. I rattle it off quietly so no one else hears, and her face shows her surprise when I’m right.
“How many weeks along am I?” she asks, again surprised that I answer it correctly down to the day.
“Okay, this is a hard one. When was my last period?” She looks smug, but she forgets how completely obsessed I am with everything about her. I remember her telling the doctor the firsttime that she had her period at the beginning of her pregnancy. That's why it took her so long to figure out she was pregnant. I smirk as I see her eyes grow impossibly rounder.
“Stalker,” she gasps, but I see the smile playing on her lips.
“Clover, you have no fucking idea. Now, can I finish this paperwork so we can go see our baby?” She nods, and I get back to filling everything out.
The faster I can get this shit done, the faster we can see our baby.
Chapter Sixteen
The looks all those women were giving me in that OBGYN waiting room had my skin itching. I could feel them staring at Gray with awe and lust, but when they turned to me, it was frosty. I smirked as we walked back to the exam room and tucked my hand in the back pocket of my man's jeans. I may or may not have grabbed his ass while staring dead into one of the bitch's faces. Her face turned from cold to menacing in an instant. I will never understand how a woman can do that to another woman, all because of the man she is dating. Who in their right mind would think it's okay to check out another woman's man and then get pissy when we stake our claim? The bitches.
We are back in the parking lot now, and Grim has me backed against my car. He has his hands on my hips and his forehead touching mine as we both look down at the envelope in my hand.
“What if we just opened it? We can go to the store and get a new envelope. No one would know.” I say, gripping the letter with all my might.
“As much as I would absolutely love that, Halle would know, and she might kill us,” Gray chuckles, and I know he’s right.