Page 20 of Grim's Gem
She actually might kill us. Halle and I have gotten so close over the past three months; she has become my rock. When I can't deal with Gray’s overprotectiveness, I find Halle. We usually hide out somewhere, or she gets us into a bit of trouble, but I know she always has my back. I think she’s drifted away from the other girls some. I can see her looking at the kids with such longing, and when the other women have their hands full with babies, I feel like I see the devastation behind her eyes.
She uses any excuse to go on another run with the guys or go on another job that I refuse to ask about. I know Loki and Halle do some fucked up shit, but I also know it's all for the greater good. I know they kill people, but I also know beyond a shadow of a doubt they only kill the people who need to be killed. The ones that make this world a hell of a place to live. I admire them both. I just wish I knew what to do to bring her back to us. Any chance she gets, she’s holding onto my belly, and I love every minute of it. Usually, it's the only time I see peace in her eyes.
“You're right. We can't take this away from here. We'll find out tomorrow, though, right?” I ask. We made the appointment to find out the gender of the baby was closer to the gender reveal.
There was no way in hell I could hold off for weeks. I would have ripped that envelope open two days after getting it. Actually, probably more like one day. That's why we scheduled the gender appointment a bit later, and the party/baby shower/gender reveal will be tomorrow at the compound. I place the envelope on the front seat while I pull out behind Gray on his bike. We are headed back to the compound to prepare the place for tomorrow. My feet are hurting, and I swear I feel like my vagina will fall out any moment, but I know it's all going to be worth it when we meet our baby. I pull into a parking space beside Gray's bike and watch Halle rush out of the club doors.
“Do you have it? Give me! Give me!” she says, bouncing up to me with her hands held out. I chuckle, getting out of the car. Gray holds my waist and helps me the rest of the way out like I’m already the size of a house. I’m not there yet, but I know it won't be long.
“Pet, let her get out of the car first,” Loki growls, pulling her back into his chest and licking the side of her neck. I laugh at his actions. It might be weird for others, but I couldn't tell you how many times I’ve walked in on those two going at it. They are not shy about their love, and when the moment hits them, they don't give a fuck who's around. Well, besides the kids. They make sure they aren't exposed when the kids are around.
“I just want to know,” she whines, but turns and gives him a big kiss.
“All this talk about babies and being excited has me wanting to drop your daisy dukes and shove…” Loki starts, but Gray slaps his hands over my ears. I hear his muffled words, and they have me laughing out loud.
“Shut the fuck up. Don't talk like that in front of my woman.”
“Damn, Grim. Don't be such a fucking dick in the mud,” Loki says.
“I think you mean stick,” Halle corrects.
“No, I think I got it right.” Loki smirks. “Besides, you’ve already corrupted your woman. It's the baby you really need to worry about.”
“Shit, you're right,” Gray says, taking his hands off my ears and placing them on my belly like that’s going to keep the baby from hearing. I roll my eyes before turning back around, bending down—hearing Gray groan, I wiggle my ass a bit more—picking up the envelope off the seat and handing it to Halle. She squeals, making me laugh as both Loki and Gray wince.
“Okay, I can't wait one more second. I’m going to find out if I’m having another niece or another nephew,” she says excitedly, bending down and placing a kiss on my belly. I shake my head as I watch her bounce back into the compound. Loki watches her go until the door closes before turning to me.
“You’ve made her happier than I’ve seen in months. Thank you for giving her this. You will never know what it means to the both of us,” he says before turning and following his woman. When the door shuts behind him, I turn to look at Gray.
“I think that's the first time I’ve ever heard him say one sentence that didn't involve killing somebody or didn't have one single cuss word,” I fake whisper. Gray throws his head back, laughing.
“Enjoy it, Clover. None of us see that side often,” he says, grabbing me around the waist and leading me toward the front door.
“So, I think I’ll check the kitchen and see what the girls want me to do to help with the party tomorrow,” I say, starting in the kitchen's direction. Before I make it two feet, Gray has me pulled back to his side.
“Nuh-uh. I have strict instructions from each one of the ladies. You are to go upstairs, prop up your feet, and gorge on food and snacks. They don't want you stressing about tomorrow. It's your day, and they want you to enjoy it. Mainly, they want you to relax,” he says, herding me toward our room.
I roll my eyes because I’ve heard that word way too much here lately. When I’m with Gray, he wants me to relax. When I’m at the shop, my mom wants me to relax. When I’m at the clubhouse, the girls want me to relax. I enjoy all the love and the care, but I’m just not used to feeling so useless. It makes me feel lazy. I know they are all just worried about the baby and me, but I also know plenty of women work and kick ass until birth. I want to be like those women. I also know there is no use inarguing. It would just start a fight, and I would end in tears, so I rolled my eyes, huffed for good measure, and stomped toward the room.
It doesn't take me long to get over my snit when all the girls pile into Gray’s room. They bring snacks, juice, and comfy blankets. Maybe I could get used to this kind of spoiling.
Chapter Seventeen
Somehow I end up downstairs in the bar with all my other brothers as we glower toward our rooms.
“I still don't understand why we couldn't at least sit in some chairs in the room. I have had no time to spend with my Angel in forever. Don't get me wrong, I love my baby girl. Jett is the absolute best thing to ever happen to me, but finding alone time with my woman is fucking hard these days,” Hitter grumbles.
“That's a fucking fact. Grim, I hope you have better luck finding some alone time when your baby comes. Which reminds me, how is the house coming along? I know Jade is not very close to her due date, but that shit comes fast, brother,” Swift asks, taking a pull from his beer. I sigh, taking my own swig before replying.
“It’s coming along. I wish I could start it sooner, but I know the club rules. I’m just not sure they will finish it before the due date.” I run my hand through my hair, pulling it a bit.
I’m trying not to stress about it, but I feel like there's a delay every time I turn around. First, it was with the work crew. We had to hire a completely different construction companybecause of some licensing issues. Then there was a delay on some materials and problems with the shipping. Hell, Comp and Sunny have been waiting on some bathroom tiles for three months now, and they still haven't gotten here.
“I actually wanted to bring that up,” Loki says, scraping his knife across the scratched-up bar table. “I think we should nix that rule. It's stupid for our patched-in brothers not to have a house of their own if they plan to live here in the compound. We have all had to rush our houses to get ready for our women cause we waited too damn long. There are still a few single guys. I think they should be able to pick a spot and start the building on their place when they are a trusted patched-in member.”
Swift looks at Loki before looking around the table and shrugging.