Page 20 of Cannon
She watched the movie sporadically. Tonight was one of the first times since Cannon had moved in that she could just relax and think. When they spent the evenings together, she was guarding her tongue, trying not to bring up anything about before.
At some point, they would need to hash through everything but not yet. Once he wasn’t on the pain pills, she’d be more than happy to talk or scream about what had happened. She didn’t regret giving herself to Cannon that night, and she didn’t regret Sparky. How could she? He or she was a part of both of them from the most perfect night she’d ever had.
Jesse had always planned on being a mother. Sparky may have happened before she’d planned to have kids, but maybe thingswere happening the way they were supposed to. With Winnie having kids already and Remi and Sarah trying, at least the kids might be close in age. Now Beth needed to find someone besides that stupid deputy. Thank goodness he hadn’t shown up tonight.
“Okay, let’s break between the movies. We’ll take bathroom breaks and then get our snacks for the next movie. How about we all put our pajamas on too?” Beth suggested.
The kids got up and headed for the bathrooms. Beth picked up some trash off the floor and Jesse was happy to let her. With her big belly, Jesse wasn’t the most graceful now, picking stuff off the floor.
“Cannon, how about I transfer you to the wheelchair and help you into the bathroom?”
“Sounds good. Thanks for all the help, Flick.”
Jesse picked up the tray of drinks and went to switch them out. She’d promised Sprite and Winnie that she’d switch to water, juice or milk after the kids all had one soda pop. She arranged the juice boxes and drinks on the tray and then pulled out the flavored straws she’d bought for the milk. Strawberry and chocolate would jazz up their drinks. She didn’t promise to limit the sugar, now did she?
Then she went and got their tickets for their big prize along with the wrapped gifts. She couldn’t wait to see their eyes. She’d discussed with her dad what she wanted, and he’d agreed to make it happen behind her house.
The kids came back in and sat down. Beth had made sure they got in their pajamas. Flick brought Cannon back in and maneuvered him into the chair. As Flick pulled the blanket off the floor and laid it on Cannon, Grant pointed at the blanket.
“Spider!” Grant yelled.
Cannon screamed and Phoebe ran over to him. She raised her hand and smashed it on the blanket, crushing the spider.
“Phoebe, what’d you do?” Cannon asked.
“Nana Regina just smushes spiders with her hand. I know you’re scared of them, so I smushed it. See?” Phoebe turned her hand over to show Cannon the smashed spider.
Jesse turned away because the smashed guts of the spider on Phoebe’s hand was gross.
“Hey, Pheebs, let’s go wash the spider carcass off your hand. You don’t want it on your food,” Beth said, leading Phoebe out of the room.
Jesse picked the blanket off of Cannon and took it to the washing machine. She dropped it in there and left it. She’d start it tomorrow with the other sheets from the kids staying over. The machine was too close to the front room to run while they were watching a movie. She wondered why Cannon was so scared of spiders. She was just glad it was an ordinary spider. She, along with her sisters, had the outside edge of their houses sprayed during the summer months to make sure they didn’t get any brown recluse or black widow spiders coming in the house. The recent rains must have washed hers away because she rarely saw bugs in the house.
By the time she’d returned with another fresh blanket for Cannon, the kids were already in their cars.
“Are you guys ready for your presents?”
Amid yells of yes, Jesse handed out the presents.
“Go ahead,” she said.
The presents were unwrapped, and the kids looked at her.
“I bought you all laser tag type vests and the guns that go with them. Papa Locks is going to build an area behind my house where you all can play against each other.”
All the kids came and hugged her, thanking her.
“When can we play?” David asked.
“Papa Locks said he could have it ready for the holiday weekend. He’s helping me in the garage with some extra stuff,but he said he’d put it top priority. Do you think you can wait five whole days, or do we need to go to the gym?” Jesse asked.
“We can wait, Aunt Jesse. You’re busy growin’ a baby,” Phoebe said around a mouthful of popcorn. “Now, Moana time.”
Chapter Fourteen
Flick had helped him get showered and then left early for his shift. Cannon was in the kitchen sipping coffee and listening for any of the kids to wake up. Beth was crashed out on the couch in the room with the kids. Jesse walked in and picked up his cup.
He wondered what she was doing because she’d given up almost all caffeine because of Sparky. He didn’t know why she called the baby Sparky, but it had stuck for him. She held the cup to her nose with her eyes closed and breathed in.