Page 33 of Cannon
Cannon chuckled. The fact that Vivi was his only sister-in-law was too funny.
“You definitely want to check out the area on gas. Dad’s notes about Schaefer’s gas is as informative as it is funny,” Hennessy said.
“Way to deflect bud,” Schaefer said.
“Thank you, I’m looking forward to reading it. I’ve been around Joey a little and now Matthew but having two is kind of scary,” Jesse said.
“I’m sure you’re better prepared than we were but honey, you’ll be wonderful. Love your little ones, and you’ll get through it.”
Cannon swallowed, holding back the tears because knowing Peck thought they could do it touched him. His own dad had always thought the worst of Cannon. Here was a man who he knew from poker nights and the bar. He had a higher opinion of Cannon than his own dad had.
Hennessy picked up a couple presents and brought them over to Jesse.
Jesse started to hand them to Cannon to have him help.
“I’m happy to hold them if you need but these are from me to you,” Cannon said.
He wasn’t sure what Jesse thought. She glanced at the package and then started opening it. The first was the largest and as she pulled the tape off, the lid opened. Two body pillows had been stuffed into the box. She pulled them out and looked toward him.
“Thank you. I’d been planning on buying these when I went to my next appointment.”
He nodded because he honestly wasn’t sure what to say. She picked up the next box and opened it. There was a note on top that said there were two other sizes of these if these didn’t fit. She opened the box and pulled out one pair of the motorcycle boots he’d had Hennessy pick up.
“Since you couldn’t be there, there are a couple of different styles and sizes for you to choose from.”
She nodded and picked up the next box. It was larger, and he’d had Hennessy buy multiple colors and the next two sizes available in the Converse shoes she liked. She started pulling boxes out. When she saw the hot pink ones, she immediately started toeing off her shoes. She slid one of the shoes on, then the other. The smile on her face let him know she was pleased.
“I love them. For the first time in a while, my feet don’t hurt inside shoes,” Jesse said, leaning over and kissing him on the cheek. She slid the large box of shoes over.
“If it’s okay, I’ll try them all on later.”
She picked up his last present and ripped the wrapping off. He’d paid an extra rush fee to have the embroidery place in Wichita get the items done before Hennessy got there. Jesse pulled out the two infant size pink coveralls. He’d had the woman embroider the logo for the bail bonds along withNext Generationunder it.
“Oh, these are perfect,” she said, sniffling. Then she pulled out the pink Converse shoes for infants he’d bought to match hers. She leaned over and kissed his cheek. “I love them, thank you.”
“Hey, I picked up all the stuff. I didn’t get a kiss,” Hennessy groused.
Cannon glared at Hennessy. “I appreciate you picking everything up, but you’re not getting a kiss. Find your own woman.”
Hennessy rolled his eyes, then glanced around the room. “I’m working on it.”
Jesse had taken a bathroom break and then gotten right back to opening presents. Everyone had spoiled them. Her sisters and dad had gone overboard. She wasn’t sure how many outfits the girls now had, but she didn’t think they’d have to wear the same outfit again for at least two months. Sarah had offered to wash them all, along with all the bedding they’d received for the girls’ room.
Bear had crocheted blankets for the girls. Winnie said he’d stayed up late to make sure they were done. Since Clara crocheted, she and Bear had discussed so they wouldn’t duplicate. Clara had crocheted cute little hats and sweaters for the girls.
Jesse had to laugh a little at herself. She’d never been one for dresses or dressing up, but the thought of putting the girls in darling little outfits had her almost giddy.
Of course, the presents that had blown her away today were the ones from Cannon. He’d bought her fifteen pairs of Converse in different colors and styles, and he’d bought the girls some matching pink ones along with motorcycle boots that were close to the style Jesse wore.
She and Cannon had the cribs she’d picked out along with matching dressers and changing tables. Roam and Sprite had bought them a rocking recliner. It was the same one that Roam and Sprite loved at their house.
The amount of toys for little girls that would not be old enough to play with them yet was astronomical. War’s face had blushed when she opened the card to go along with the breast pump she’d wanted. Remi had only put War’s name on it. Remi had put her name on the double stroller with detachable car seats War had researched. Mrs. Hall had bought extra bases for the car seats so they wouldn’t have to move the bases between vehicles. She’d also bought the girls identical stuffed bears with Bluff Creek T-shirts and little cuts on them, plus bail bonds T-shirts to switch out with.
Flick was the sweetest with his basket of baby medicine, thermometer, and anything to keep the girls healthy. Stella, Rose, and Tasha had gone together and bought two bouncy seats and two swings so the girls wouldn’t have to share. Jesse had to wonder if they could fit all this stuff in their house.
“Okay, let’s go out and see all the animals and have dessert outside,” Regina said.
Jesse got up and waited for one of the guys to push Cannon out there. Flick pushed Cannon’s chair beside a table under the shade, then pulled a chair out for her. Once she sat, Flick turned another chair sideways and then lifted her feet onto it.