Page 40 of Cannon

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Page 40 of Cannon

When she envisioned her future, she realized she didn’t want her girls in daycare every day for eight to ten hours. Though she adored the daycare and the workers there. Her mom did both. She was able to be there for Jesse and her sisters but also help grow the bail bonds.

Jesse wondered if it was time to revisit exactly what her garage did. She didn’t want to give up all the modifications and maintenance on the bail bonds vehicles. She also really enjoyed teaching the high school students. She had to admit that even before the incident, she’d dreaded dealing with overbearing customers who didn’t think a woman should be working on their vehicles.

The garage didn’t need the extra income from the outside vehicles. If she no longer accepted outside vehicles, then they could send them to either the MC garage or the garage in Coldwater. She could set aside certain times for working with the high school students. It would also give her more time for one on one with them. She was concerned about food scarcity for the girls last time and with everything that had happened, she hadn’t followed up.

Stacey would be graduating this year, and Jesse didn’t know what her plans were. Maybe she’d be interested in training for the shop.

Locks walked in and immediately came over to hug her. Jesse just leaned against her dad, as much as she could with Sparky. Despite being two of them, she was still calling them Sparky because trying to figure out something else was too much for her pregnant brain.

“How are my girls?” He asked.

“We’re good, Dad. I wonder if you could come into the office and chat with Cannon and me?”

Locks nodded and followed Jesse in. Cannon moved his wheelchair so Jesse could easily get and sit in her comfortable chair.

“Morning, Locks. What’s going on?” Cannon asked.

“Morning. Jesse said she needed to talk to both of us.”

Cannon turned toward her, giving her his full attention. The closer they became, the more she liked how he was treating her. Well, now that he’d pulled his head out of his ass.

“I was thinking about it when it was only one baby. Now I know we’re having twins, I don’t want to miss everything. I want to do what mom did, have it all. If we changed the garage to only our vehicles and teaching some classes, I think we could cover only leaving the girls with family. I love that we have the daycare set up, but I want to only use it as a last resort. What do you think?”

Cannon grinned. “I want us to do what makes you happy. For me, I was thrilled Ellie was coming to work at the range and now Dex. I wanted to cut back some of my hours. If we both did that, we could easily stagger shifts so we still had time together as a family, but the girls were with us. I also think, though, Clara would probably love to watch them every once in a while too.”

“Oh no, I’m fine with her watching, but I’m the Papa. First dibs go to me. Got it, you two?”

Jesse smiled. “I love you, Dad, and I’m thrilled you want to help with the girls. But what do you think about the garage?”

“I think it sounds perfect. I can also sub in when needed if the girls are sick and you don’t want to leave them. Are you thinking we’ll send everyone to Coldwater?”

“Yes. He can handle the business now, right?”

“He can and we can also get him some help if needed. With what we all did last Christmas and last spring, their bills are paid and caught up.”

Jesse had hoped everyone would be on board with her idea, but it was a relief to know it was happening.

“While I’m here, is there anything I can do for you on the cars?”

“Yep, let me show you. Then I’m thinking, we’ll close at lunch. If you can take care of this last task, I’m completely caught up until the girls come next week.”

Locks slid his arm around her shoulders and led her out. “Let’s do this, Pumpkin.”

Chapter Twenty-Six

Jesse took a shower and slipped on a T-shirt and panties. She and Cannon had both been to the doctor today. She was thirty-three weeks pregnant, and Cannon was seven weeks post-op. Her doctor said full term for twins was considered thirty-seven weeks, but they could come earlier. Jesse had really hoped that Cannon would be out of his casts before the birth. His doctor had said he’d move Cannon to a smaller walking cast and a brace for his arm next week. Cannon couldn’t wait to get them off. With the heat of August upon them, he’d gone through the can of stuff to keep him from itching inside his cast immediately. Flick had rolled his eyes when Cannon asked where he could order more.

Cannon had shared more each week after every session. Some of them were the happy times he remembered with his grandma. Others were the ones where he broke her heart. She understood his personality so much better now and why he seemed to need to control things. He’d been out of control his whole childhood.Since he was stationary, he’d been reading books about babies and child-rearing. She was positive Cannon would be a kind and loving father, nothing like his own.

Now, if only they could be close. Having him in the house wearing cut-off gray sweatpants was killing her. Half the time, he didn’t wear a shirt because even with the air conditioner running, he was hot with the casts. Add in his ball cap on backwards when he was reading and oh my.

Then, when she wasn’t seeing him, she was lying beside him each night, hormones rolling through her with no end in sight to the torture. If she could have figured out a way to get Cannon out of the house, then she would have. At this point, she was desperate and trying to figure out how she could find some alone time to get herself off.

She walked into the bedroom and enjoyed the look of Cannon in bed. Even with the casts and not being able to work out these last weeks, he was delicious. His uninjured arm had muscles and the Bluff Creek logo on it. His shoulder above his cast had the skulls he had inked. She’d asked him last week why the skulls. She’d been expecting because they looked cool or something like that. He’d revealed more hidden depths to his character. He’d gone with the older symbolism of skulls as symbols of courage, strength, and overcoming the odds. He’d had the skulls inked when he graduated the police academy and finally believed he’d made something of himself. He was a little concerned that when he saw the surgical scars, his tattoos would be ruined. Roam had promised, although he might not be able to make it look the same, that he could figure something out.

His chest with the red wound from the chest tube had continued to fade. Not that it subtracted from his chest and abs that Jesse imagined running her hands, then mouth and fingers across. She squeezed her legs together because this wasn’thelping. At least Cannon was already lying flat, so the covers hid from view his enticing happy trail.

“Lose the panties,” Cannon’s deep voice said.

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