Page 116 of Baby Daddy
As soon as we darted out of the elevator, Dr. Wang met us in the reception area.
“Is she okay?” I blurted out, Drake folding his brawny arm around my shoulders and holding me firmly. I was wound up as tight as a spool of thread, my heart beating in a wild frenzy.
A small smile appeared on the doctor’s weary face. “I have good news for both of you.”
My heartbeat sped up when it should have slowed down. “Yes?”
Her smile widened. “Your daughter is a fighter. We were able to identify the source of the bleeding and cauterize it. Thanks to the transfusion, she pulled through the surgery without a hitch. I’m happy to tell you that except for a few small scars, she’s going to be just fine.”
A mixture of elation and relief bubbled through my bloodstream like champagne. “Oh, thank God.” I broke away from Drake and hugged the doctor.
“Doctor, can we see our little girl?” asked Drake, his excited voice mirroring my own emotions.
Our little girl.His words melted me.
“Yes. She’s in recovery. Follow me.”
Five minutes later, Drake and I, hand in hand, were standing by Tyson’s bedside. Her eyes were glued shut and she was hooked up to all kinds of IVs and monitors, and there was a breathing tube in her nose. Having been here only a few weeks ago for her bee sting, a sense of déjà vu gnawed at me.
Drake squeezed my hand. “She’s beautiful, our little girl. You know, she really does look a lot like me.”
Through my happy tears, I laughed. “You are so damn conceited. Everyone’s always said she looks a lot like me.”
“Well, everyone’s wrong,” he retaliated. “We’ll see…”
His voice trailed off as Tyson stirred. Her eyelids fluttered and then slowly she blinked them open.
Still holding Drake’s warm hand, I ran the fingers of my free hand through my baby’s silky hair, her long pigtails fanned out on the pillow like angel’s wings.
“Hi, sweetie,” I said softly.
“Hi, Mommy.” Her voice was a mere rasp, but it was enough for me. “Where am I?”
“You’re in the hospital again.”
“I got stung by another silly bee?”
My pulse sped up and my chest tightened. Sucking in a breath, I proceeded cautiously.
“Do you remember what happened?” Dr. Wang had explained to us on our way here that there was a possibility Tyson wouldn’t remember the kidnapping or accident. And might never. Post traumatic stress disorder. Fingers crossed she wouldn’t.
She blinked her eyes several times as I held my breath. “Mommy, I remember you getting ready for our move to our new apartment. Then, someone came by and rang the door bell.”
My heart hammered, my muscles clenched. Did she remember more? I bit down on my lip as her eyes shifted to Drake.
“Hi, Drake. Did you come by to kiss and make up with my mommy?”
As I let out a loud sigh of relief, Drake cracked that dazzling smile. “Yeah, Mighty Girl. I took her out for lunch.”
“Did you have fun?”
“We had a blast.” The double entendre of his words was not lost on me. I quickly shoved the memory of Kyle’s car crashing and exploding to the back of my mind, focusing on the what is, not the what if.
“Cool,” replied Tyson as Drake affectionately flicked her button nose.
“What would you say if I asked her to marry me?”
Tyson’s eyes grew as round as Cheerios. “Wowee!!! What did she say?”
Bursting with joy, I turned to face Drake. His smoldering eyes held mine with a mixture of tenderness, anticipation, and love. I suddenly realized I was free to say the one word that was on the tip of my tongue.
“Cupcake, I said…yes.” A million times yes! “YES! YES! YES! YES!” I repeated as Drake swept me off my feet and spun me around. Setting me down, he planted a hot kiss on my lips.
“Yay! Does that mean Drake is going to be my daddy?”
“Yup. I’m going to be your daddy. Starting right now. You better get used to me spoiling you every minute of the day.” He winked at me. “And your mommy too.”