Page 117 of Baby Daddy
Three months later
Do you wanna know what I wished for when I blew out the candles on my birthday cake?
I was supposed to keep my wish a secret, but I guess since it’s coming true I can tell you.
I wished for my mommy to marry Drake. He was the nicest man I ever met and I could tell my mommy really liked him and he really liked her. And he liked me a whole bunch too.
I wished for him to marry Mommy so he could become my daddy. I always wanted a daddy. And then I found out he really was my daddy. It’s kinda “complicated”—Mommy used that big word– when she tried to explain to me how it all happened. I kinda understand. She really wanted a baby, but she couldn’t have one by herself. So she went to this place and got some sperm put into her. I knew what sperm were—Chandra’s daddy, the gynosaurus, gave me a sperm magnet that he got at some big doctors’ meeting. They’re white and squiggly (and I think they have eyes and can see), and are very good swimmers. When they meet a mommy’s eggs—I bet they look like that pretty glass egg in Drake’s parents’ house—and fall in love, a baby is made. That’s how I was made. With Mommy’s egg and Drake’s sperm. I can’t wait to tell my all my friends in school that I know how babies are made. They think some bird with a big beak delivers them in a diaper or they grow in mommies’ tummies, but they’re wrong.
Today, my mommy and daddy are getting married. I’ve never been to a wedding before. It’s so much fun. And as the flower girl, I get to wear this really pretty dress. It’s long and white and super frilly. Kinda like a dress Fancy Nancy would wear, but it’s even prettier. Drake’s mommy, my new grandma, bought it for me.
The wedding’s taking place in the backyard of Grandma’s big house. There’s like a gazillion people watching Mommy and Daddy get married. Including all the Danger Rangers! It’s my turn to walk down the aisle. I practiced last night at the rehearsal so I know just what to do. I just have to smile at all the people and throw petals from the basket of flowers I’m holding. Drake is waiting for me at the altar and gives me a thumbs up with a big smile. He looks so handsome! Standing next to him are Aunt Lulu, the maid of honor, in her red dress that matches the color of my cape, his friend Brock, the best man, and my grandma.
When I get to the altar, Drake gives me a big hug and a lot of people in the crowd say awww! And then that famous “Here Comes the Bride” song starts to play. I turn around and watch Mommy walk down the aisle. Drake’s daddy, my new grandpa, is holding her arm. She looks so pretty in her Cinderella dress—like a princess—and she’s smiling, but I think she’s a little scared.
“I love you, Mommy!” I shout out and everyone laughs. So do Drake, Aunt Lulu, and Brock, who makes the crowd laugh louder when he whistles at her. Uncle Brock is funny! Mommy thinks he’s going to marry Aunt Lulu and he’ll become my real uncle.
Mommy and Grandpa make it to the altar, and Daddy takes Mommy into his arms. They look so happy together. Letting go of Mommy, Daddy takes her hand and mine too. The reverend who’s marrying them starts to speak; he looks like Santa Claus and has a very deep voice.
Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Why do wedding ceremonies take so long? On cartoons and in my picture books, they just say “I do” and live happily ever after. The reverend stops talking (Phew! Finally!), and Mommy and Daddy exchange their vows. I listen carefully to what Drake is saying…he says he’s marrying the two of us, both Mommy and me…that he’ll cherish and take care of us forever. Mommy has tears in her eyes; I don’t understand why she’s crying. Weddings are supposed to be happy, right?
When Drake finishes, Mommy recites her vows. She talks about how much she loves Drake and how lucky she is to have found him.
“Thank you for being part of my life. And our precious daughter’s too. We will love you for eternity.” Her voice sounds small and lots of tears are pouring down her cheeks. I squeeze her hand. “Don’t cry, Mommy,” I tell her. She squeezes my hand back.
Mommy and Daddy exchange rings. The reverend pronounces them husband and wife. They kiss and everyone shouts YAY! Me too! Yay for my mommy and daddy!
I turn to face the crowd and sing out as loud as I can.
“If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands!”
Clap! Clap!
Everyone joins in as I sing the rest of the song…“If you’re happy and you know it and you really want to show it, shout hooray!”
Hooray for my mommy and daddy. After the wedding, they’re going on a honeymoon, and I’m staying with Grandma and Grandpa at their big house. I can’t wait. Me and Grandpa are gonna bake cupcakes. And Grandma’s gonna give me more ice skating lessons and teach me new tricks.
Mommy says I’m the luckiest little girl in the world.
I am!
Me…Tyson “Mighty” Hanson.