Page 55 of Baby Daddy
On my way to the Polo Lounge, my father called to tell me he was going to be twenty minutes late. An unexpected conference call with Gunther Saxton and his investment team had come up.
It was fine by me. When I got to the famed Beverly Hills Hotel dining room, I was shown to the corner booth where we met for breakfast every Monday. Our regular waiter immediately brought me a pot of coffee and some cream, and I told him I’d order my usual eggs Benedict once my father showed up.
Ignoring the familiar movers and shakers around me, I poured myself a cup of the strong brew and my mind immediately drifted to Dee. I glanced down at my cell phone. It was almost eight o’clock. She’d likely be taking Tyson to school and then heading into the office. I thought about texting or calling her but refrained.
I couldn’t get Dee out of my head. This girl was under my skin and in my bloodstream, making a beeline for my heart. I was breaking all my rules—from never mixing business with pleasure to never going beyond a one-night stand though technically I hadn’t slept with her. And worst of all, she was married. Despite all these major NOs, I’d never felt this way about any woman before, and on my way home last night, I’d seriously asked myself the question: Could my temp possibly be my forever?
Taking a sip of the steaming coffee, I contemplated what I should tell my father about her. As the caffeine activated my senses, I decided less was best. He didn’t need to know about her past or the fact that she was still married. That she had a child wouldn’t likely disturb him. He loved kids. I was, however, on the fence about whether I should tell him that she worked for me. While she was only temporary, Hanson Entertainment frowned upon fraternization. Finishing my coffee, I cast my eyes down again at my cell phone. I still had time to kill so I decided to call Brock’s office to see if I could meet with him sometime this week. His devoted secretary Stella would likely already be in, and sure enough, she picked up on the first ring. Glad as always to hear my voice, Brock’s flirty assistant told me he could fit me in this morning at eleven. I checked my schedule. Perfect. I could head over to his office, which wasn’t far, straight after breakfast. And then I could do a meeting with an art director over lunch in Century City before heading to The Valley for our weekly Danger Rangers recording session. Then, it hit me. I was going to be out of the office all day. I wouldn’t see Dee. Maybe that was a blessing in disguise because I wouldn’t have to sit behind my desk and fantasize about bending her over it and fucking her from behind. And I wouldn’t have to worry about hiding my insta-boner at the sight of her luscious curves in one of her tight little skirts. Or talk about last night.
After I ordered another pot of coffee, my phone pinged. It was an email from Dee and in the subject line was one word: Today. I clicked it open and read it.
Is there anything you need me to do for you today?
Spread your legswas on the top of my long list, but there was no way I could risk writing that with Gunther carefully scrutinizing Hanson Entertainment and possibly having access to emails on the server. Out of the blue, a brilliant idea flashed in my mind. Tyson had mentioned wanting to meet the Danger Rangers while she was in the hospital, and today was as good a day as any. I sent back my reply:
Please pick up Tyson after school and bring her to the Danger Rangers recording session in North Hollywood.
Dee returned the email instantly.
Seriously? She is going to be so thrilled!
Wearing a smile, I responded with a happy face emoticon as I caught my father ambling my way out of the corner of my eye. Wearing his customary navy blazer, a pair of khakis, and sneakers, my handsome tanned dad, who didn’t look a day over fifty, took a seat across from me and apologized for being late.
“How did it go with Gunther?” I asked after our waiter took our orders.
My old man took a sip of his coffee. “He’s watching our every move like a hawk. He’s concerned about our upcoming development slate.”
“Don’t worry. We’ve got a lot of shows in the works.”
My father nodded with approval. “Where do we stand with Peanuts?”
Peanuts, the number one kids’ network, was our bread and butter. We’d yet to get a new series green lit by Jennifer Burns, who ran it. She was looking for something fresh and different that would appeal to girls, and not one of the series concepts we pitched to her fit the bill. I couldn’t lie to my father; it would only bite me in the ass.
“We’re still going back and forth…close but no cigar.”
My old man pinched his lips. Nope. He wasn’t happy. “Son, it’s critical that we sell at least one show to Peanuts. Gunther is about to put a very big offer on the table, contingent on that.”
“Like how much?”
“The number 1.6 billion has been floating around.”
“Jeez.” That was a shitload of money. The pressure was on. Our breakfast orders arrived and my father continued.
“Son, I’ve made it loud and clear to him that I want you to run the company. That’s what I’ve spent my life grooming you for. Hanson Entertainment will always be run by a Hanson. And that’s a deal breaker.”
It’s true. I’d grown up watching cartoons with my old man and giving him input. And after I graduated UCLA, he’d put me to work right away…making me experience every department. Almost ten years at the company and now the Head of Development, I wasn’t sure I’d ever have his business acumen.
“I want this deal to happen. Saxton Enterprises is a good fit for our company and it’ll take care of generations of Hansons to come.”
My father’s fantasy—the Hanson dynasty. Both my parents were only children as was I, well for almost my entire life. There weren’t a lot of us if you didn’t count the many little Hansons resulting from my sperm donor days. Something my dad knew nothing about. Inwardly, I shuddered as he lifted his forefinger.