Page 58 of Remember Me
“What happened to Kangy’s baby?”
“I don’t know. Maybe it got lost when we moved here.”
“Do you know a kangaroo’s baby is called a joey?”
“Joey? That’s a boy’s name. Kangy’s baby was a girl!”
I can’t help another laugh. Oh, the joy my daughter gives me! “My sweetness, all baby kangaroos are called joeys. Whether they’re a girl or a boy.”
“That’s weird!” She looks wistfully at her plush kangaroo. “Kangy looks sad. I bet she misses her baby.”
I glance down at the stuffed animal and a gust of sadness sweeps over me. Babies and their mothers should never be separated. I’ve missed so much of my little girl’s life. All those milestone occasions—from saying her first word to taking her first steps to celebrating each birthday. A painful lump forms in my throat.
“Yes, I think she misses her baby too.”
“Scarlet, do you think Kangy will ever find her baby?”
A melancholy smile forms on my lips. “Yes, I do.”
Closing her eyes, Maddie folds her hands on the counter. As if in prayer. “What are you doing, sweetie?”
“I’m praying that Kangy finds her baby. And that my daddy doesn’t marry Kayla. Rosita says that God can hear me.”
I battle the tears that threaten to fall. My love for this child—my child—is so all-consuming it hurts. For most of my life, I’ve had a love-hate relationship with God, but suddenly I want to believe there is someone watching over us.
And that unicorns exist.
We spend the rest of the afternoon playing board games including Chutes and Ladders, Clue, and Junior Scrabble. Competitive like me, Maddie beats me fair and square almost every time—except at Scrabble. I show off my word power and expand her vocabulary. Totally receptive, she keeps my mind off Finn though I wonder why he hasn’t called to check up on her. Still a bit worn out from her hospital ordeal, I make my lovebug go to sleep early after catching her yawning throughout thearroz con pollodinner Rosita prepared for us. Even more tired than I thought, her eyes close while I’m reading herMadeline’s Rescue.Thankfully, before she can beg for a dog like Genevieve.
With my little girl fast asleep, I spend time on the Internet. I’m past diving into the news stories I broke as Skye Collins, not one giving me a clue of who tried to kill me. Instead, I google one retailer after another.Click. Click. Click.Bingo! Within a half hour, I find exactly what I’ve been looking for on Amazon. It’s so, so cute. So perfect! With a happy smile on my face, I put it in my shopping cart and proceed to check out with my credit card. With Maddie turning five shortly, it’ll be the perfect birthday present. About to place my order, a car pulls into the driveway. It must be Finn. With Kayla. My stomach knots with dread. Just as I hear the front door open, I complete my purchase. As I await the confirmation, he staggers into the kitchen. Alone.
“Hey,” I say, looking up at him.
He looks stressed. Tired. Almost haggard. Strained lines bracket both his eyes and mouth.
He shrugs off his bomber jacket, letting it drop to the floor. My first instinct is to pick it up and fold it over a chair, but I let it be.
“Is everything okay?” My thought bubble:Where’s Kayla?
“Yeah,” he mumbles. “How’s Maddie?”
My voice picks up. Brightens. “She’s great. We had a wonderful day.”
“No wheezing?”
“Absolutely none.”
“She’s asleep?”
I smile. “Yes, as far as I know.”
“I want to see her. Please come with me.”
The tone of his voice is demanding. Almost needy. He takes off his shoes and I do the same. Barefooted, I silently follow him to Maddie’s room.