Page 59 of Remember Me
Just as I expected, she’s lost in dreamland, her cherubic face aglow in the nightlight. One arm curled around Kangy. Her breathing normal.
“She looks so peaceful,” he says softly, standing beside me.
“Yes, she does.” I can feel his eyes on me as I tenderly brush off a few stray hairs that have fallen on her face.
Then, I watch as he bends down and plants a soft kiss on her forehead.
She stirs a little, a smile curling on her rosebud lips.
“Daddy?” She’s only half-awake, her eyes still glued shut.
“Yes, baby. I’m here.”
“Can we look for a unicorn tomorrow?”
“Give Scarlet a kiss for me.”
“I will.” The two little words make my heart flip, but I know he doesn’t mean them. He’s just appeasing his daughter.
“Come,” he whispers after she dozes off again.
Quietly, we head back downstairs.
“Have some wine with me.”
That sounds so tempting, but I decline.
“C’mon, I insist.”
“I don’t think it’s a good idea.”
“I work for you.”
“Technically, you’re off duty. It’s your day off. So no excuses.”
Five minutes later, we’re in the great room, Finn seated on the couch, his long legs stretched out on the coffee table and me on one of the cushy chairs, angled toward him. The blaze in the fireplace crackles as we share a delicious Merlot. The velvety red wine courses down my throat and warms me.
“I owe you an apology,” he begins, setting his glass down on the table.
“What for?”
“I should have called you to check up on Maddie, but I lost my damn phone in one of the stores I was in.”
“You went shopping?”With Kayla?
“Yeah, I went to a mall to look for a present for my daughter. Her birthday’s next week.”
“Labor Day.”
His face registers surprise. “How do you know that?”
“Um . . . she told me.” Quick thinking!
“I want to do something special. Any ideas?”