Page 33 of Rest In Pieces
I don’t know what that realization felt like for her, but it hurt me to witness it. To see all these tiny cracks appear in this once vibrant and flawless woman made me hate the world a little bit. I think that’s why I’ve always been the kind of girl to keep her feet on the ground. I knew firsthand how dangerous it could be to dream. After all, I’d had my own dreams go up in flames, too.
“I’ve gotta go.”
I step back, breaking his hold, needing to put some space between us. I thought I could handle it. I’d flirt a little, smile, and pretend last night was just a bad dream. But G is far more potent than I realized.
“Answer your phone when I call you.”
His bossiness shouldn’t turn me on, and it doesn’t. Not even a little bit. Not even a—ugh, fine. Maybe just a teeny tiny bit. But that’s probably just because it’s been a while since I’ve had a dick in me that wasn’t made of silicone. I forgot about the voodoo that men do that makes my vagina say yoo-hoo.
“I’m a busy girl, G. But I’m sure I’ll see you around.”
“You answer your phone, baby, or I’ll track you down and torture you until I get what I want.”
“How very psychotic of you. Not sure that pick-up line’s your best.”
He grunts in response making me roll my eyes. “And now you’re channeling your inner caveman. I can imagine that grunt means something like, ‘Me man. You do as I say, or I’ll poke you with a big stick,’” I mock in a in a deep voice.
He grins. “I do have a big stick I want to poke you with. Thanks for noticing.” He flicks his tongue over his bottom lip, and I catch a glimpse of his tongue piercing. Leaning in slightly, his voice dropping to a more seductive tone. “Why do I get the feeling you’ll actually love my brand of torture?”
“I’m so turned on right now.” I jump at the sound of a woman’s voice and whirl around, which is when I notice everyone staring at us.
The woman who spoke is standing behind me with an embarrassed look on her face. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to say that out loud. I clearly have no filter.”
I shake my head and laugh. “It’s fine. I have a friend who doesn’t have a filter either. Trust me. Nothing embarrasses me anymore.”
I turn back to G and sigh. “It’s been interesting. I’ll file this memory in the clit closet to review later.” I wink, ignoring the woman’s snicker as I grip the bag of food and hurry outside, pretending I’m not hurrying.
I’m glad Nevaeh let me borrow her car so I can get out of here quickly. I jump in, place the food on the passenger seat, and hightail it down the road, feeling eyes on me until I’m out of sight.
By the time I make it back to the RV, I have myself mostly under control. I don’t bother with a pep talk. It’s clear that my vagina and brain are still at odds, and I’m not getting in the middle of it.
Grabbing the food, I head inside and stop when I hear the song Nevaeh is listening to. Ginuwine is talking about being horny, which seems oddly fitting right now.
“It’s a little early for my sex-it-up playlist,” I say, setting the bag on the table and pulling out the food. I place a takeout box in front of her.
She looks up from her laptop, her glasses perched on the edge of her nose, like a librarian about to shush me.
“Don’t look at me like that. I come bearing food.”
She glances down at the box and smiles, her whole demeanor changing. “I love you. You’re my favorite human.”
“Of course I am. I’m amazing,” I say, sitting down across from her with my own food. “You are so lucky to have a friend like me. I’m like the Andy to your Woody.”
“Andy left Woody in the end.”
“Thelma to your Louise?”
“They died at the end.”
“Buffy to your Willow?”
She thinks about it for a minute before nodding. “Minus Buffy being ripped out of heaven when she was finally at peaceand the whole turning evil and almost destroying the world thing, I’ll allow it.”
I chuckle, taking a bite of my omelet. It’s good, though not as good as the pancakes.
“So, guess who I ran into while I was out.”
“The wanna-be bestie?”