Page 35 of Rest In Pieces
“Because she has a mind of her own. She won’t listen to reason. All she wants is to bounce up and down on G like a pogo stick.”
“I’m sure his pogo stick won’t mind. I’m sure he’s used to lots of… er… bouncing.”
“That might be the cutest way I’ve ever heard anyone call someone a whore.”
Her eyes go wide, looking scandalized. “I did not call him that. It’s just they live a very… active lifestyle.”
I can’t help but laugh at her.
“You’re such a witch. My point is, if he’s interested and you’re interested, then what’s the problem? It’s not like you’ll be here forever, so you’ll go into it with an expiration date.”
“I don’t know. Hooking up with a biker isn’t the same as hooking up with an average Joe. You know that—you write about them.”
“All I’m saying is, think about it. I don’t want to cramp your style while I’m here.”
“Why would you say that?” I ask, and she just shrugs.
I reach out and close her laptop, earning me a glare. “You are not cramping my style. You don’t hold me back or stop me from doing anything. I wish you’d stop thinking like that.”
“You’ll tell me if that changes, though, right?”
“Yes.” I lean back and sigh.
“Good. Now, tell me about that kiss.”
Midas found me in the diner, still trying to wrap my head around what happened and get my dick under control. Him wanting coffee before we left at least gave me time to pull my shit together.
We got back to the compound the same time Blade did. I park my bike and wait for him. “How’d it go?”
“Everything looks good so far.” He pulls out an ultrasound picture and hands it to me as Midas walks over.
“So, twins, huh? I hope for your sake they’re boys, Prez, or you’re gonna be fucked. Especially if they look like their mom.”
“Fuck, don’t even joke about that.”
I stare at the inky blob, not really sure what I’m looking at.
Blade laughs and takes pity on me, pointing out the two sacs with little black beans inside. “Now that she’s hit the twelve-week mark, we’ll let the family know.”
“That’s going to be interesting.”
Midas laughs. “Can you imagine if you do have daughters what their dating lives would look like? Aside from Conan the fucking giant and Inigo the asshole wanting to rip any potential boyfriend’s head off, they’ll have to go through you—the president of Raven Souls—and King—the ex-president of Kings of Carnage and operative for whatever alphabet agency he belonged to. Then the rest of their aunts and uncles are MC royalty, assassins, and hell, isn’t one some Bratva prince?”
I wince, feeling sorry for the kids, but Blade grins.
“No handsy motherfuckers will be getting near my girls, that’s for sure. Speaking of assassin aunts and Bratva uncles, Aslanov and Dulce are flying in next week to visit Sunshine. We’ll tell them then. My sister is out of the country, so I’ll wait for her to come home before telling her, but you know what Justice is like. She’ll buy out the whole fucking toy store and have the clubhouse baby-proofed before Sunshine even reaches her third trimester.”
“She loves you. Nothing wrong with that.”
We all head for the saloon, nodding to a couple of other brothers we pass along the way.
“It might have taken Justice a while to come around to the MC lifestyle, but she did.”