Page 67 of Rest In Pieces
I look up at him, trying to figure out whether he’s telling the truth. I have no reason to doubt him, but I don’t know him well enough to know if he’s really a good guy or just a really good liar.
Just as we reach the laundromat, the door flies open, and a gorgeous blonde with legs up to her armpits storms out. She spins around and points her finger at someone inside, just out of view.
“Fuck you! I’m done with your bullshit,” she shouts before turning, freezing when she sees us.
Her skin flushes pink, but she pulls back her shoulders and holds her head high. “Sorry about that, I was just leaving?—”
“The hell you are, Legs!” a familiar voice roars from inside. Midas stomps out, crossing his arms over his chest when he sees us, but keeps his glare on the woman I assume is Legs.
“I’m not your woman, old lady, or property,” she snaps back.
“Yeah, well, that tattoo on your wrist says you’re property of the Ravens, so that means you have to do what the fuck I say. You might be a favorite club girl around here, but you’re not special.”
Her face goes white at his words, and I shout at him, “Hey!”
“Not cool, Midas. Not fucking cool,” G growls, his eyes locked on Midas.
Looking at Legs, I can tell she’s two seconds away from falling apart, so I make my way over to her, linking my arm through hers and moving her away from Midas. “Hey, can you show me to the ladies’ room?”
“There’s no ladies’ ro?—”
The look I throw over my shoulder shuts Midas up as I walk Legs toward the clubhouse, knowing G will handle Midas. I think back to how he was with Nevaeh last night and can hardly believe it’s the same guy. Maybe his name’s ironic. Instead of turning everything to gold, everything he touches eventually turns to shit.
“I… um… well, we really don’t have ladies’ rooms. But I’m sure you can use G’s bathroom,” she tells me quietly, her voice sounding hollow.
“Can you show me where it is?”
She nods and leads us through the clubhouse, which is pretty quiet, heading up the back stairs, ignoring whoever calls her name. Once we reach G’s room, she goes to leave, but I stop her. I turn the handle, surprised to find it unlocked, and pull her inside with me. Guiding her over to the bed, I sit beside her as she lowers her head and the tears that she’d been trying so hard to hold back slip free.
She starts to sob, her whole body shaking as I wrap my arms around her. I don’t say anything because, aside from Midas acting like a giant tool, I have no idea what’s happening. I just offer her a little comfort so she knows she’s not alone.
When she finally calms down, I pull back and look around the room for some tissues. Not seeing any, I pop into the attached bathroom and grab some toilet paper. Returning, I offer it to her, and she takes it from me with a watery smile before wiping her eyes and blowing her nose.
“I’m so embarrassed.”
“You have nothing to be embarrassed about. Midas was being a dick.”
“He’s not wrong, though. He just put me in my place.” She looks down at her wrist, where there’s a small raven tattoo.
“Midas said you’re a club girl,” I say quietly.
She looks at me warily before nodding. I realize then that she’s probably expecting me to ask if she’s slept with G.
I sit back down next to her. “You’re a stronger woman than I am. I would’ve murdered half of them in their sleep.”
She chuckles, the tension easing from her shoulders.
“Just to be clear, I don’t care if you’ve slept with G, as long as it doesn’t happen again while I’m here. I’m not big on sharing. If he does sleep with you, I’ll be pissed at him, not you. I know you don’t really get the option to say no.” I wince at that. I don’t have a problem with the club girls. If they want to fuck the guys, that’s their choice. My issue is with the blurry line when it comes to consent. I get that they signed up for this, but what if they’re not feeling well or just don’t want to that day?
“It’s not that bad here. The brothers are pretty respectful, for bikers anyway. They don’t force us. We can say no if we don’t like what they’re into. Like, if a guy’s into inflicting pain, for example, I’m out. But there are girls here who are into it, so it works out.”
“This isn’t the first club you’ve… um, worked for?”
She smirks as I stumble over my words before taking pity on me. “No. I started at the Chaos Demons’ mother chapter, thenwent to their new club, and now I’m here. I’ve been happier here than anywhere else, though.”
“Right.” I nod. “So what was today all about, if you don’t mind me asking? Of course, you don’t have to tell me. It’s none of my business. I’m just not sure I understand.”
“That makes two of us. Shit, I’m sorry about all this. I’m Legs, by the way. You’re Amity, right? G’s mentioned you. He was worried you’d never come back after what happened the other night.”