Page 68 of Rest In Pieces
“I wasn’t sure I would, to be honest. But it’s hard to say no to those puppy dog eyes and that damn tongue piercing of his.”
She giggles, crumpling up the tissue in her hand. “He’s awesome. He’ll mess up because he’s a guy, and that’s what they do, but he really is one of the good ones.”
“Yeah, I think he is.” I bite my lip. “So you and Midas?”
“Ah, no,” she says, rubbing her hand over her face before getting up to toss her tissue into the wastebasket next to the desk.
“I’m a club girl, like he said, but I’ve spent a lot of time with Midas over the past year.” She pauses, her voice softening. “It wasn’t on purpose. I started working for him at the pawnshop, and we got close. I thought we were friends who fucked.” She shakes her head.
“But a friend wouldn’t have spoken to me like he did, not just because I want to move out.”
She zones out for a moment, looking lost and scared.
“I want more,” she says quietly. “G already knows this because we talked about it the other night when he told me about you. I want to find a man who doesn’t want to share me with his friends. I want someone to come home to—someone who’ll still be there when I wake up. I want someone to love me and only me, and I want kids. Even though I’ve been happy here, there’smore to life than what this place has to offer. And as my friend, I thought he’d be happy for me, like G is.”
“But he’s clearly not. What’s his problem?”
“He says he doesn’t want me to go, that it’s not safe out there without the Ravens’ protection, and that this is my home. I told him all the reasons why I needed to leave, and he just brushed them off like they were nothing. He says I’m still young and have plenty of time for that.”
“Well, that’s not his decision to make.”
“He seems to think it is. That’s why I keep reminding him that I’m not his old lady.”
“Maybe he wants you to be. You said you two became friends. Maybe the thought of you leaving made him realize that he feels more for you than friendship.”
“Um, no. He’s made it perfectly clear that he’ll never go there with me. He doesn’t want a woman his brothers have been with.”
“I’m sorry.”
She shrugs. “Don’t be. I knew what I was signing up for, but I’m not a patch chaser. I never hoped to be an old lady. Sure, over the years, there have been brothers I’ve been closer to. One or two I might’ve wanted something more with than a quick and dirty fuck. But I’m not that girl, and they didn’t see me as worthy of wearing their patch anyway because I spread my legs for them.”
“And yet they all get to sleep around, and that’s okay? Because men are studs and women are sluts,” I snap.
Legs looks resigned. “It’s the MC way. I’m not saying I agree with it, but I’ve spent a long time playing by the rules. I know what’s expected of me and what’s not. And I’m just over it all.”
“Well, I think you’re brave.”
“I don’t feel brave. I’m fucking terrified.”
“But you won’t let the fear stop you, will you?”
She shakes her head. “I can’t. If I stay and give up all the things I’ve dreamed of since I was a little girl, it’ll eat me alive, and I’ll end up bitter. And for what? So I can settle for the scraps of attention these guys throw my way? No. I’ve had fun, but now I want more. I deserve more.”
“Then fuck what Midas thinks.”
“I agree.”
We both turn at the sound of G’s voice as he stands in the doorway. He walks over and pulls Legs into his arms, watching me over her shoulder, his gaze reassuring me that he’s just trying to comfort his friend. I give him a small smile, surprised by how much I already trust him. It might be stupid, but I don’t care. Until he proves himself unworthy of my trust, I’ll keep giving him the benefit of the doubt.
G releases Legs and steps back. “He’s a dick, but I know he regrets it. He’s just not handling it well.”
“What’s there to handle? This really isn’t about him, G. It’s about me. He can fuck any bunny he wants. He won’t even notice I’m gone.”
“I wouldn’t be so sure about that.”