Page 91 of Rest In Pieces
“Thought I’d show my face. I know how much you miss me when I’m gone.” G looks at me before introducing us. “You remember Hannibal?” I nod because once he says his name, I do, but not this look in his eyes though.
“The asshole beside him is Probe. And this is Kruger,” he says, pointing to the guy with the scars. “Guys, this is my girl, Amity.”
“I remember tall, dark, and psychotic, but I’m not sure about you two,” I admit to Kruger and Probe. I have to bite my tongue to stop myself from asking them how they got their names—the struggle is real.
“Tall, dark, and psychotic?” Probe snorts. “You sure got Hannibal pegged.”
“I saw you throw yourself off a perfectly good horse. Not sure you’re in any position to call me a psycho,” Hannibal says, crossing his arms.
G moves closer until his side is pressed against mine.
“Crazy recognizes crazy.” I shrug.
Sure, the guy looks like he’d happily pop my eyeballs out just to see how squishy they are, but I’m not sensing any malice or hostility from him. I’d much rather deal with his standoffish attitude than Blade’s when he’s in a mood.
Kruger takes me in, his eyes flicking to my hair. “You have sex hair.”
“You have scars on your face.”
Everyone tenses like I just told him he’s into his mother or something.
“What? I thought we were just stating facts.” I point to G and then Hannibal. “Pierced dick. Psycho. Scarface.” I point to Kruger before moving on to Probe. “Alien insemination.”
“What the fuck?”
“Your name’s Probe. I can’t help that that’s where my brain went. Look, I understand that you might not want to talk about the little green men sticking things up your ass, but you shouldn’t bottle it all up.”
Kruger’s lips twitch, but he doesn’t say anything. Probe, on the other hand, looks pissed.
“I’m not called Probe because aliens abducted me.”
“Shh…don’t say that too loud. They might hear you and come back. What if you attract one with a breeding kink?”
They stare at me in shock until Hannibal, of all people, starts laughing.
“I think you’d be fun to play with.”
G wraps his arm around me and snarls at Hannibal. “Mine.”
I resist the urge to say something about peeing on me in case G thinks that’s one of the kinks I want to try. Instead, I lean against him and turn away from Hannibal. The way he’s looking at me makes me think my version of playing is a lot different than his.
I like my organs exactly where they are—inside my body, not on ice.
After pulling Amity away from Hannibal before he completely freaked her out, we continue on to the clubhouse. I set her up at a table with Mac and Toot while I go get one of the prospects to rustle us up some food.
By the time I return to the table, Circus, Crane, and Midas are there too. Amity has her head thrown back, laughing at something Toot just said. I walk over to her, ignoring everyone else, and tug her to her feet, taking her chair, and pulling her into my lap.
Midas gives me a knowing look as he sips his beer.
“So, what death-defying stunt did you do today?” Mac asks when the table quiets down.
“I talked to Hannibal.”
The guys laugh at her answer. I grin, burying my face against her neck.