Page 92 of Rest In Pieces
“I’m serious. He looked at me like he was deciding which kidney to take. I swear my soul left my body.”
I laugh along with the guys. The thing is, she’s not wrong. Hannibal’s not wired right. I don’t know if he was born this way or if it’s from some kind of trauma, but the man’s not someone we mess with.
“Psychos aside?” Midas asks, glancing around the room. I know he’s looking for Legs, but as far as I can tell, she’s been avoiding him. He really needs to figure out what the fuck he wants before he loses her for good.
“Today was an easy one. Some horse chases and a shoot-out.”
“Don’t you ever worry about getting hurt?” Circus frowns.
Amity shrugs. “I do get hurt. It comes with the job. But I know what I’m doing, and I’m careful. I’ve probably broken more bones than all of you guys put together, but they healed.”
“I dated a woman last year who cried when she broke a nail,” Crane says, making Amity laugh.
“What’s the worst injury—” Midas starts before shaking his head. “Shit, I wasn’t thinking.”
“It’s fine, Midas. It was a long time ago, and I like my life. I wouldn’t have become a stuntwoman if it wasn’t for that accident. Sure, it sucks that I lost my mom and my dream to win gold at the Olympics, but I found new dreams.”
“The Olympics?” Crane says with wide eyes.
“Yeah, I was a gymnast and won a silver medal in Rio. But after the accident, my body couldn’t handle the strain, and I lost interest. It just wasn’t the same without my mom.”
She stops talking when Kiki drops down on Midas’s lap. His hands automatically go to her hips, and Amity’s jaw tightens as she looks away. It’s sweet that she’s loyal to Legs, but the truth is, Legs isn’t Midas’s old lady. He’s not doing anything wrong.
“We’re throwing a barbecue tomorrow. You should come.”
We both turn at the sound of Sunshine’s voice behind us.
“I didn’t know you were here,” Amity says, jumping up to give her a quick hug.
When she pulls back, Sunshine holds up a stuffed bear wearing a leather jacket. “Alex left Meatball here earlier and refused to sleep without him.”
“One of the prospects could’ve run it over to you,” Mac tells her. Before she can say anything, Inigo walks up behind her and wraps his arm around her shoulder.
“Inigo brought me. He needed to talk to one of the brothers anyway. Now I’m going home. Hopefully, Meatball’s arrival will have my kid settling down because I could sleep for a year. But I’ll be here tomorrow with Alex for family day. You’ll come, right?” she asks Amity, who looks at me.
I nod, and Amity smiles. “Sure, if you guys don’t mind.”
“The more, the merrier.”
“Would it be alright if I brought a friend?”
“Of course. It starts at 2 p.m. G can fill you in on all the details. On that note, I’ll see you all later. Be good. I’m way too tired to bail any of you out of jail.” She wags her finger at everyone around the table.
“We’re always good,” Toot says, flashing her his signature smirk, but Sunshine’s immune to it.
She looks up at Inigo. “I’m going to say a quick hi to Lil and then I’ll meet you at the car.”
He kisses the tip of her nose before patting her ass as she walks away. When he turns back to the table, the smile he wears just for Sunshine slips from his face.
“How’s she doing?” I ask him.
“Morning sickness is kicking her ass, if you can even call it that. Morning, afternoon, night—she’s throwing up all the time.” He runs his hand through his hair.
“That’s rough, but hopefully it’ll pass soon.”
“I hope so. She’s downplaying how she’s feeling because she wants us to focus on Conan.”
“That woman.” Midas sighs. “I hope you blistered her ass.”