Page 47 of Forbidden Fruit
And when I’m done, aftershocks have my pussy clenching around the fingers still buried deep in my cunt. Meanwhile, Lino still licks me leisurely, like he has all the time in the world and there’s nowhere he’d rather be.
With the rush of blood to my pussy, my legs start to feel numb and I tell him.
After one last kiss to my core, he withdraws and straightens up, untying the ropes methodically. Then, he rubs my legs and brings the blood flow back. It’s vigorous, yet tender and everything I need.
He hasn’t wiped at his face, and his mouth shines with the essence of me. I don’t think. I just act and wrap my arms around him before landing my lips on his. I taste myself and it makes me moan again.
My hips bracket his waist, where he still kneels in front of me. Lino holds me close to his body and my core lines up with his hard cock, making us both gasp. I drift a hand between us, but he stops me with a hand on my wrist.
“I didn’t come here for this.”
“But I want to make you feel good.”
“You did,” he says. “Tasting you was like being reborn. And before we go any further, we really need to talk. I keep getting carried away every time I’m too close.”
His forehead drops to mine, and he closes his eyes like speaking is hard, like his control is fraying. In other circumstances, I might revel in it, but he looks pained, and I want him to remain carefree and open. At least with me. If I can give him that, I will.
“What about I call you?” I ask. He frowns, not understanding my meaning. “You go back to your place and in fifteen minutes, I call you. Then we can talk without getting carried away.”
His lips press against my forehead, my entire body melting into him. Then he kisses my cheek and my mouth in a feather-light touch. “Okay.” He nods. “I’ll call you in fifteen minutes.”
Is this what it means to be giddy?
There’s lightness in my step and an urgency to my movements as I walk back to my house. I’m eager to get into bed and call Vanessa. I know it’s supposed to be for a serious topic, but knowing I get to hear her voice before falling into a restless sleep makes the night seem not so terrifying.
“Did you have a nice chat?” my dad asks, taunting me, the emphasis on the wordchatspeaks volumes about how he thinks my time with Vanessa went. Not that he is wrong, but I’m not ready to admit it to anyone. Even if his smile tells me he’d be happy for me.
Me, on the other hand? I don’t even know what I feel but I’m gonna chase it for as long as I can. For the first time in years, I don’t want tonotwake up in the morning. Not that I ever want to die, I just don’t want to live.
“Fine,” I reply.
“Oh, that’s how you call it nowadays? Okay.”
“Don’t be ridiculous,Babbu. She’s my employee,” I say, unconvincingly.
“Never stopped anyone before,” he scoffs. “Anyway, I’ll take my leave. The children didn’t stir.”
“Thank you,Babbu.”
We embrace as a goodbye but he holds onto me longer than our usual one second half hug.
“You deserve to be happy,figliolu,” he says.
If I knew how to cry, maybe tears would rise to the surface, but his words have the opposite effect of making me emotional and gooey inside. They remind me that, no matter how much happiness I feel, the black void in my head can destroy it all without warning.
Now, all I want to do is brace for it happening. And I should. It’s safer. The crash of intense emotions will be harder and I need to remain constant for my children, even if it’s constant in misery.
My father leaves and I climb the stairs. I kiss my children’s heads, pride swelling inside me. They remind me I’m not a complete failure, even if it seems like it most days.
Then I remove my clothes and forego the pyjama pants before I dial the woman that haunts my every breath, using wireless earphones so I can see her face on the screen without disturbing the children.
She answers the call on the first ring.Fuck, she’s so pretty still flushed from earlier. “Fancy receiving a call from my boss this fine evening,” she sing-songs. “What can I do for you, Mr Marquesi?” I groan and she chimes, her voice the epitome of sunshine, “What? Too soon?”
Her giggles lift the clouds again and I let myself enjoy this simple joy of having a woman laugh with me rather than laugh at me. My cheeks hurt from having not been used for so long as they get reacquainted with my smile.