Page 13 of Arthur
“Is everything all right with Patrick?”
My smile grew. “Yes. He is taking care of personal needs in the bathing chamber. But I’m getting him something to eat and some tea.” I shook my head. “The non-horrid kind.”
William chuckled. “I can’t say I blame him for not wanting it again. I am still unsure how it is that your father keeps the stuff down. Or Oliver, for that matter.” William gestured toward the main house, and I started walking again. “I wanted to ask something a bit more personal, if that is all right.”
“Of course. Does it pertain to Patrick?”
William nodded. “From his reaction earlier, it is obvious that he suffered at the hands of his father and, most likely, mother. Is he all right?”
I glanced at William as we continued to the inn. “He is. He has talked briefly about his parents, but right after we claimed one another, he had a fertile period. There was almost no talking that next week. We’ve discussed them a bit since, but he’s not really wanted to relive his time with them.”
“Understandable. Are there marks on him? Did they cause permanent damage?”
I thought about it a moment before shaking my head. “No. The only mark on him is my claiming mark now. Henry, at least, was decent enough to not cause anything too physically permanent. Mentally, the pain will be remembered.”
“Yes. It can be difficult to work through things. Especially when it’s someone we care for deeply.”
I nodded, knowing that William wasn’t talking about only Patrick. I knew that even after all of this time, he still missed his first wife and the child they’d lost.
“Oliver made fresh bread a bit ago,” William said, changing the subject. “You should grab a loaf for the two of you. And besure to get some of the fruit and nuts. Reginald just returned this morning from his travels and brought some delicious fruits and nuts.”
“I’ll do that. Patrick has asked for porridge.” I winced. It wasn’t necessarily my favorite, but it was filling, and if that was what my One wanted, that was what I would get for him.
“Just suggest he eat a little. It can sit heavy in the stomach if it’s upset. But I agree with what is probably his idea. It is bland and will be good for him. Just not too much.”
I nodded. “Will do. Please feel free to stop by later. Patrick feels wretched about how he reacted earlier.”
“I’ll be sure to stop by after our evening meal,” William said. “I won’t keep you as I know you want to get back to your One.”
William gave a smile before he walked off to the left. I stared after him for a moment before continuing on into the kitchen of the main house. When I entered, I was met with the various scents of foods being cooked as well as baked. The happy laughter that was also there brought another smile to my face.
Chapter 6
The system we set up—small sips of tea quickly followed by a bite of bread or something else that was dry or bland—worked. With Arthur’s help and patience, I was able to start eating and drinking again. It took a few weeks, but after some time, I regained my strength and was able to get up and out of bed without becoming dizzy or feeling as if my stomach was going to revolt.
I rapidly found myself comfortable with life at the inn again, not realizing just how much I had missed it in the past ten years. As Arthur’s One though, things were different for me now. It wasn’t that the others had treated me poorly before, but there had certainly been some pity in their looks when they thought I couldn’t quite see them. Now, I’d not seen anything of the sort. In fact, everyone had been most welcoming and were happy and eager to chat.
I found that life in Master Edison’s coven was truly magical. He himself was kind, caring, and full of knowledge. I had always known that, but when I’d been here with my parents, I’d been kept mostly away from the others in the coven. But I knew I had a lot left to learn about being a warlock, and the coven as a whole was already trying to help me. Arthur had shared that theywould have done so years ago, if my parents had allowed such a thing, but my parents were anything but reasonable.
I felt as if I was settling in nicely. When I wasn’t learning about my magical abilities, I had convinced Arthur to let me help around the place. I had always enjoyed taking care of the chickens and collecting the eggs—and that was no different now—even if I couldn’t eat the eggs while pregnant. I had always loved them before and had tried on many occasions since realizing I was with child, and it simply wasn’t happening.
We had established a routine of sorts. Some days were better than others, but one constant remained. Arthur was always doting on me, always bringing me some small token: a flower that he said reminded him of my eyes, a heart-shaped rock he found, a warm blanket made from soft wool to keep me warm. Each and every gift meant something to me, as I knew they came from his heart, and each had been thought out before he presented them to me.
He had just brought me another bunch of lovely flowers. Where he was getting them this time of year, I wasn’t certain. The flowers had only just started to bloom, but these were all beyond what we had around the area. But I enjoyed them all the same. “You have to stop spoiling me so. Eventually, we won’t have any room in here,” I told him as I took them over to the table to add them to the pitcher that had the flowers from a few days ago in it.
“I’ll never stop showing you how much you mean to me. These things are small tokens only. I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to show how much you mean to me,” Arthur said before he brought my hand up to his mouth, placing a kiss on the back of it.
“I already know how much I mean to you. I feel it every moment of the day. Even at night, when we’re lying in bed andyou’re fretting about me. I love you too. There is no need to worry. I understand what I mean to you.”
“This pregnancy has been difficult on you,” Arthur said.
I snorted. “I have been told that this pregnancy has been a dream. I am no longer sick. I have my strength and health. I’m carrying the baby without pains or too many issues. Yes, eggs are still troublesome, but they often are for those who are pregnant. Our son will be here soon—we both know it.”
Arthur nodded before he moved behind me and wrapped his arms low around my stomach. I couldn’t help but grin. When his lips found their way to my neck, I moaned and tilted my head to the side to give him more room. When his lips continued downward at the same time his hands did, I knew what he was wanting. I was feeling well, and I wasn’t going to deny either of us, so I turned in his embrace and looked at my forever love.
“Do you want to go to the bed?”