Page 14 of Arthur
Arthur grinned. “Only if you are feeling up for it.”
I smiled back. “I wouldn’t have asked if I wasn’t.”
That was all it took for Arthur to sweep me up into his arms. I let out a very undignified yelp before I reached for his neck to hold on. “I’m too heavy,” I said. “You’ll hurt yourself.”
“Nonsense. You will never be too heavy.” Arthur carried me from the front room and into our bedchamber. It was a lovely space, and I’d never had anything so nice. Arthur placed me gently on the bed, and then for dramatics, he snapped his fingers, and suddenly, I was naked.
I looked up at my One and rolled my eyes. I was grinning though. “So dramatic,” I said.
Arthur raised his eyebrows before he placed a hand on the bed beside my hip. When I looked down his body, he was naked now as well. The perks of being a warlock certainly were numerous. Especially for one such as Arthur. He wasunderstandably more powerful than I ever hoped to be, but he never made me feel less than because of my lacking abilities.
Arthur climbed onto the bed, but instead of covering my body with his, he knelt between my legs. His lips touched the inside of my knee, causing me to squirm at the sensation. I wiggled a little as Arthur slowly moved his way up my inner thigh. We’d done this countless times, him to me and me to him although clumsily. I was nowhere nearly as practiced as Arthur, but he never complained once, and if his movements and moans when I sucked on his rod were anything to go by, he enjoyed my attentions immensely.
By the time I felt Arthur’s breath on my sac, I was a needy mess. My own rod was dripping and in need of attention. I couldn’t help but wiggle around with my need. Well, as much as Arthur would allow. It wasn’t that he was holding me down, but his grip on my thighs to keep them where he wanted them limited my movements.
When Arthur’s tongue swiped up my sac, I gripped the covers below me and moaned. I knew what was coming. We might not have been mated for long, but Arthur was most certainly a giving lover, and he always saw to my needs before he even considered his own.
Arthur licked up my sac but didn’t stop there. He continued upward, and when he reached the tip of my rod, his hand moved from my hip to my rod. He gently pulled the skin back, exposing the pink, flared tip. Sudden hot warmth surrounded it, and I closed my eyes as Arthur took me into his mouth. I subtly raised my hips, trying to get some movement and friction, but Arthur’s hands tightened on my hips, keeping me pinned to the bed. I didn’t mind in the least; I knew what was to come.
Arthur was incredibly talented, and in too short of a time, I was close to release. “I’m close,” I managed to whisper out.
Arthur pulled up and off my length, then kissed my lower stomach, which was right there. Any other time I might feel uncomfortable about it, but I knew that it was Arthur’s love for me, and mine for him, that put me in the condition that I was in. Arthur loved that I was carrying our child, and the pregnancy certainly had perks.
“I want to make you feel so amazing,” Arthur whispered. I almost didn’t hear him, but thankfully, I had.
“You do. Always.” It was the truth. Arthur hadn’t ever done anything that had felt anything but amazing.
Arthur sucked on my rod again, this time taking it all the way in his mouth. I gasped when one of his hands rubbed my sac at the same time. He gently played with it while sucking up and down my rod, and like every time as before, that was all it took for me to find my release. I moaned loudly into the room as my body felt a zing go through it, and I released into Arthur’s mouth. His own moan sent vibrations through my rod, and that intensified my pleasure.
Arthur continued to suck, taking everything my body gave him. When it became too much though, I started wiggling. Arthur slowly sucked up my length and then off, allowing my rod to fall onto my stomach. He gave it a quick kiss and then moved down to my now soft sac and did the same. I sighed at the sensations and knew that if he were to continue, it would only take moments for my body to be ready for another round. It was always like that with him.
“Feel better?”
“Mmm.” I sighed again. “I didn’t feel bad before.”
Arthur moved up beside me. I turned to at least reach for him to give him pleasure, but when he moved closer, I felt how soft he was. Immediately, I was worried. Had my changing body finally caused him displeasure?
“Stop right there,” Arthur said. “I am just as much attracted to you now as I was when I first saw you in the tavern. I found my release when you did. That is all.” Arthur ran his fingers through my hair, and when I met his eyes, I saw nothing but love in his. “I love you. Now, forever. Always. I cannot imagine a life without you or the child you are carrying. It is such an exciting thing. In all ways,” Arthur added before he leaned closer and kissed my nose. “I desire you more every day we are together. So much so that at times, I cannot keep from finding my own pleasure when you find yours.”
“Really?” How had I not realized? I should have been able to feel him finding his release when I found mine. We’d both experienced that more times than I could remember.
“Yes. I have no reason to be untruthful.” Arthur kissed my forehead before he pulled me closer. I sighed and closed my eyes as his fingers started trailing up and down my back. “I do think we should discuss something important.”
I didn’t even need Arthur to go further. I already knew what was coming. My pregnancy was progressing well. My stomach was rounded with our son, and my time being able to leave our little home was limited, and it was most likely only a matter of days before Arthur and the others deemed it unsafe for me to be seen outside. I understood. It was the same with Oliver every time he’d carried one of their sons. We were men, and what our bodies were capable of simply wasn’t possible.
Soon, I could no longer go outside, as it was spring, and none of us wanted to take any chances of someone from one of the nearby towns spotting me. It was rare we had outsiders at the inn, and when they did show up, they were sent on their way because we never had room available for travelers.
“Has the time come?” I asked.
Arthur sighed. “There was a group of travelers at the inn earlier. They were looking for a place to stay for a time. Dad sentthem on their way. He later discovered two of them out by the barn with the goats.”
My time of confinement had come, then. I understood. I truly did. But that didn’t mean I had to like it. “I’ll be sure to stay safely inside.” I tried to make the best of it already and moved enough so I could look at Arthur. “It’s not as if I need to go outside anyway. You bring me things all the time. And the others can visit.” It wouldn’t be the same. I loved going to the kitchen and spending time with Oliver and his sons.
“I do, yes. But I will be spending a lot more time in here with you. I understand I can get a little overwhelming, and I don’t mean to. I only worry about you and our baby’s safety. If someone who knows nothing of us were to see you, it could cause panic if word were to get out.”
I reached up and placed my hand on Arthur’s cheek. “I understand. I don’t want anything to happen to the baby either. Or you. I swear to you I will remain inside. I wouldn’t take chances with our little one. Do you know something I don’t? Beyond the travelers? William has taken to hovering. He has visited several times a day to check up on me. As has Father. Not that I would ever be upset with your carrier visiting me.”
Arthur rolled his eyes at that, but he knew it was true. It wasn’t uncommon for Edison to visit several times a day anymore, but it was William’s presence with him that told us both that our little warlock would be making an appearance very soon.