Page 52 of Arthur
I smiled when Edric giggled again. At least he seemed to be getting along with the doctor well enough. In my opinion, that was already a start in the right direction.
Chapter 20
Iloved children, and I was thankful for the ability to provide them to Arthur. We’d been blessed with children four and a half times now. Well, with the way I was feeling, that was most likely about to be five. As a warlock mated to another warlock, my gestational period was only four and a half months. That was short compared to others. And certainly shorter when compared to that of humans. But when that four-month mark came last week, I was over my pregnancy. This one had been quite different than my previous ones. I had sickness the first few weeks—that wasn’t different. But this time, I was not only always exhausted, but it didn’t take much to have me a sobbing mess. I had never been this emotional before in my life. Arthur found it endearing. I thought it was annoying and hoped it toned down some once the pregnancy was over.
But there was unquestionably a light at the end of my journey. I’d been experiencing contractions since the middle of the night, and I was convinced our newest family addition would be here before lunchtime. Granted, that was only a couple of hours from now, but the contractions had been steady, and they had only increased in intensity over the last hour.
Arthur and I had discussed it, and he had gone to Montana to fetch Wallace. Edison wouldn’t be able to get away until this evening, but Wallace didn’t have such commitments with the council—one didn’t tell the fates that you couldn’t make a planned meeting. Wallace, though, was more than willing to help out with Edric. In doing that, Arthur would be able to focus on me and the baby.
I had been a bit restless, and when walking hadn’t felt quite right, I’d sat on the couch. That might have been a mistake, though, because it could be a chore to try and get off it. When a lot more effort than it should have taken, I stood. Immediately, my back was happier as I was now on my feet. I had thought sitting would have eased some of the ache, but it had only irritated it. Almost immediately after standing, I was hit with another contraction—this one stronger and longer than any previous ones. After a moment, it eased, and I decided it was probably time to head toward Constantine’s office. This baby was coming sooner than later.
“Arthur?”I called out through our bond. I needed my One. It would only take him seconds to return to me, but I was becoming anxious.
“I’m here. Dad will pick up Edric from classes later, and I’m on my way to Costas’s office to grab him. Do you need me immediately?”
Another wave of tightness and pain hit, and this time, I called out and grabbed my stomach.
“Yes,”I said with a groan through our bond. My waters broke seconds later, followed by another wave of pain. This one was much sharper and unlike any I’d ever experienced in any previous pregnancy.
Arthur suddenly appeared by my side, and then I felt myself being moved. It was difficult to register much through the pain, but Arthur was here, and that in itself was a huge relief.
“It really hurts!” I shouted out as another contraction hit.
“He’s earlier than I expected, but it’s not too early.”
I gasped at Costas’s voice. I looked for him, locating the doctor walking into our bedroom.
“Costas,” I said, another wave of searing pain hitting.
“I’m here,” he told me. “Would I be anywhere else when my coven master’s One is about to give birth? Especially when they also happen to be my grandparents in a still-odd way.” I smiled, which I knew was exactly Costas’s plan. He was trying to distract me. “Here comes the relief you need.”
I watched, still fascinated by the bright green glow that was Constantine’s magic. When it moved over my protruding stomach, I felt a sense of weightlessness and sighed in relief.
“That’s what we like to hear,” Constantine said.
Arthur sat beside me, near my shoulder, and when he grabbed my hand, I held on to his tightly and looked up at him.
“Are you ready?” I asked. I wasn’t sure I was, but I knew I was over being pregnant.
“I’m more than ready. And although you are currently having doubts, you won’t once our newest son is here.” Arthur wrapped his other hand around my head and rubbed his fingers on my cheek before he ran his thumb down my nose. “I love you, Patrick. I have since before you were mine, most likely, and this life we’ve built is one I never envisioned but wouldn’t trade for anything.” Arthur leaned down and kissed me on the forehead.
“I’m here,” Miles said as he burst into the room. “You know, it really is unfair that you just disappear on me, Costas. I’m supposed to be your nurse and assistant.”
Arthur and I both looked at our grandson as he stood there with his hands on his hips while he glared at the doctor.
“I’m sorry, Miles. Arthur simply said Patrick was in labor and the baby was coming immediately.”
I looked up at Arthur in question. He shrugged. “Your contractions were pretty strong, love.”
“The baby is ready to be born and quite impatient. Are the two of you ready?” Costas asked.
“Yes,” I said, still looking up at Arthur. He was here with me, and really, that was all I needed. I knew Arthur could deliver the baby if absolutely necessary, but we were fortunate to have Costas in the coven.
“We’re more than ready,” Arthur added. He, too, kept his eyes locked with mine, and when the weightlessness became more and I was suddenly floating down a lazy river, I knew it wouldn’t be long before we’d hear our baby crying.
I felt nothing except some movement. The entire time, Arthur kept his eyes on mine, and although I heard Costas and Miles talking to each other, it wasn’t until Miles awwed, and that was followed by a loud cry moments later, that I finally let out the breath I’d been holding.