Page 53 of Arthur
Arthur seemed to go out of focus, and when I blinked, I realized that I was once again crying.
“Congratulations,” Costas said. “As you already knew, it’s a boy.”
I laughed a bit, and when I finally moved my eyes away from Arthur’s face, I looked down the bed to see Miles holding our newest addition. Our grandson was not only fawning over the baby in his arms, but you could tell he was in nurse mode. He carefully set the baby and the towel that was around him down on the bed and then started doing something. I couldn’t be certain from where I was, but I knew that Miles would never hurt a baby.
“Just a bit more,” Costas said. “The placenta was partly in the way, which was most likely why your contractions seemed more intense this time.”
“Is that bad?” I asked.
“No. I just sliced through it, which means it was a bit messier this time. I normally would have magically moved it, but I was more concerned with getting the baby out since it seemed so urgent this time. It’s all good and well though.” Constantine pointed to the bed beside my hip. “Everything is here that should be, and after I get it cleaned out, I’ll close your incision and then relax the blocker.”
I looked back up at Arthur, who was still staring down at me. I smiled.
“How are you? Emotional? I can get you tissues. It’s all right if you cry, you know. This is an emotional time.”
“This time especially since you two have once more made a gorgeous baby,” Miles said. “Not that I’m not grateful, because I am. But seriously, this baby is so beautiful. Here,” Miles said to Arthur. “Hold your son so you can show Grandpa and I can help Costas.” Miles expertly handed Arthur our son, and when he moved to where I could see the baby, I smiled. Bright blue eyes stared back at me, and immediately, I wondered if they would stay blue like mine or if they would turn greenish like Arthur’s. His hair was nonexistent, which most likely meant he would end up with my hair color.
“Miles is right,” I said. I reached up and touched the soft cheek of our newest baby. “He’s beautiful.”
“He wasn’t given any other choice.” I looked up at Arthur. “You’re his daddy, and you are the most beautiful man I’ve ever seen. I cannot believe the gift that you are, still, to this day.”
I didn’t even try to stop the tears. I simply let them fall because Arthur was the most loving and amazing man, and when he said things like that, there was no stopping them. I heard a sigh, most likely coming from Miles, but I couldn’t make out what he said next. It didn’t matter too much though. Arthur wassitting there, holding our newborn, and that was all I needed at the moment.
Arthur smiled at me, but when he turned his head, I noticed that Costas was saying something. Arthur stood, moved a step away, and then Costas was fixing my pillows for me.
“You know the drill,” Costas told me. “But I’ll say it anyway. No walking until you absolutely can feel both legs. Let Arthur dote on you, and if you need anything from me, I’m not far.”
I took the tissues that Costas suddenly held in front of me. I first wiped my eyes and then blew my nose. The pillows were adjusted behind me, and then Costas was speaking again. I stared at him while he talked to Arthur, but I couldn’t seem to make out what was being said. I wasn’t too worried about it though. My emotions were high at the moment.
They walked away, Costas and Miles talking to one another quietly as they left our bedroom. I stared after them for a moment before the bed dipped beside me again. “Do you want to hold him?”
I heard that perfectly and held out my arms. I absolutely wanted to hold our new son. When Arthur passed him to me, I snuggled him close and couldn’t resist running a finger down his tiny little nose. “Hello, little Brooks. I’m your daddy, and I’m so happy you’ve decided to make your appearance.” Those perfect little lips opened, his mouth making a lopsided oval as he yawned, and then he closed his eyes. I looked up at Arthur and smiled when I found him chuckling. “I guess I’m boring,” I said.
“Never. But I know you’re not being serious.”
He was right. I wasn’t.
“I love him so much already. How is that possible?” I asked.
“Just the same as with the others. They’re part me and part you. We both wanted as many children as we were blessed with, and now we’ve been gifted a fifth child. It makes perfect sense that you love him. You’ve carried him for just over four months,and you’ve already had time for a bond to form between the two of you.” Arthur reached out and cupped my cheek. “I’d be worried if you weren’t already in love with him.”
I sighed before looking back down at our baby. He was fast asleep, and I wondered what it was like to be born. Being in the dark, then suddenly being pulled to a loud, cold, bright place. No wonder they cried and then immediately went to sleep. That was more than enough to overload anyone’s senses and cause them to shut down.
“We just need Edric here. He should come meet his brother.”
Arthur chuckled. “You obviously weren’t hearing us when we were talking. Costas and Miles are going to bring him here. Edric will most likely be running through the doorway any moment.”
I smiled. Yes, I wanted all of our children here to meet their baby brother, but three of them didn’t even live in this state and had families of their own. They would come as they could, that much was certain, but for now, having our two youngest with us was more than enough.
I heard Edric before I saw him, and when he excitedly came through the doorway, it was only Wallace’s hold on our son’s hand that most likely kept him from running and diving onto the bed.
“Now, remember what I’ve told ye.”
Edric looked up at Wallace and nodded. “Be quiet and gentle because he’s a wee bairn and we have to make sure we donna scare him,” Edric said. I looked at Arthur, and we both snorted before we couldn’t hold it in any longer and started laughing.
“They’re being loud, Grandpa,” Edric said once they had arrived beside us.