Page 7 of Training Maisy
Chapter 5
Carter watched speculatively as the young woman he had just recently met daydreaming right in the middle of a crowded room ran out of the gym as if something was chasing her. From the look she gave him right before she bolted, he could surmise that he had something to do with it. But what could it be? he wondered, shrugging at the questioning and equally surprised look from Alicia. It was obvious she was here to join the gym, and looking down at the form she had left on the desk, he knew she was here to work on her weight. Carter felt a faint twinge of disappointment cross his face. He had found her interesting upon their earlier meeting in the middle of the room. Shaking his head as he wondered why he was so bothered by her leaving, Carter asked Alicia what class he had next. Still, throughout the day, he couldn’t quite shake the picture of those big, soulful blue eyes looking at him.
Maisy woke up a little later in the afternoon and realized she was hungry. Walking to the kitchen, she remembered she had planned on going shopping today. She changed into a jeans and T-shirt and decided to use the opportunity to do a little sightseeing. A little while later, she came back to the house carrying three shopping bags, her little sightseeing mission turning into a buying trip that had her wishing she had taken her car with her. She had seen small shops carrying different items, unlike Chicago where most of the things were bought at the mall. The people of Ashborne were also friendly, since she was greeted as a newcomer in every store she visited. She made herself a sandwich and poured a glass of orange juice, then walked back into the living room. Then she watched reruns of a popular sitcom as she ate, the laughter and antics of the couple onscreen making her laugh and providing a much-needed respite from the incident of that morning.
* * *
The doorbell rang, and Maisy opened the door to find Chloe. “Hey, was cooking dinner, and I think I made a little too much,” Chloe said, handing the container to Maisy, who accepted it with an appreciative smile.
“Really? Thanks.”
“Okay, that was kind of a lie. I cooked that much because I wanted to bring you some. A welcome to the neighborhood thing, I guess,” Chloe said, laughing and not looking at all sorry.
“Well, the gesture is appreciated. Come on in and have a glass of wine, or juice,” Maisy said, not sure if Chloe drank or would want to drink at that time.
“Orange juice is fine.” Chloe followed her into the living room as Maisy went into the kitchen to get her the drink.
“Nice paintings,” Chloe said, admiring the paintings on the wall as she accepted the juice from Maisy and took a sip.
“Thanks. I decided not to make any major changes to the décor of the house, but just add a few pieces here and there.”
“Good choice. Have you decided on the changes you’re making yet?” Chloe asked as they sat.
“Just a few pieces here and there for the living room, then maybe I’ll change the rug, too. I want something with a lot more cushion than this one, also a brighter color maybe,” Maisy said, surprised at how easy she found it talking to Chloe like this. Most of it stemmed from how easygoing and likeable Chloe was. She was also a good listener, actually taking interest in what Maisy was saying.
“Well, you could check out Sophie’s shop over on the next street. Shit, I’m so used to calling it Sophie’s, I’ve forgotten the name. Maybe we could go down there together when you want, and to the mall, too, to pick up the rug.”
Maisy was really touched by how friendly Chloe was, and she realized she was already making a good friend in Ashborne.
“Well, if it won’t be a bother, I’d really like that.”
“It’s no bother,” Chloe replied with a smile on her face that made Maisy realize she really was happy to help.
“Wow, thanks then.”
“You’re welcome. Saw you leaving the gym today,” Chloe said, ending her statement on a questioning note that sought to ask Maisy what was up with that. At first, Maisy was suspicious that Chloe was trying to tease her about the fact that someone as big as her was visiting the gym. Immediately, she cursed her paranoid mind, reminding herself that Chloe had been nothing but good to her since she arrived in town, and it would be terribly wrong of her to repay her kindness with a baseless suspicion. Giving her a goofy smile, Maisy said, “I’m thinking of joining the gym, lose a little weight.”
“Well, Carter’s place is the best if you’re real serious about it. I joined almost a year ago now, and the place is amazing, although I go mostly for the fun of it. Well, that, and so I can have a good excuse when I pick up my daily batch of muffins from Laura’s bakery. If you’re serious about the weight loss thing, just don’t try her muffins, ever. The stuff’s addictive.” Maisy and Chloe both laughed at that statement.
“Well, so where were you staying before you decided to make the move down here?” Chloe asked.
“Chicago,” Maisy said. She thought about it, then went ahead and told Chloe a little about herself and her stay in Chicago. But apart from telling her that she just recently got out of a relationship, she didn’t tell Chloe anything about Eric. They talked for a long time, with Chloe regaling Maisy with tales about the town. At the end of her visit, Chloe had made plans with Maisy for the both to visit Sophie’s place and the mall during the weekend.
“Okay, goodnight then,” Chloe said at the door. “You can reheat the casserole before eating it. And since we’re such good friends now, I guess it’s safe to tell you that I might have gone a little heavy on the sauce,” she said, laughing out loud, and Maisy couldn’t help but join in.
“That’s okay; it’s the thought that counts, I guess.”
“Well, let’s hope so,” she said as she sauntered back to her house.
That night, as Maisy was preparing for bed, she heard her phone ring from the bedside table where she had placed it. When she checked the display, it was Brittany calling, and she quickly answered the phone.
“Hey, girl, how was work today?” Maisy asked her as she got into bed.
“Over, thank God. I’ve got a new intern, and the guy is dumber than a load of bricks.”
“Well, that’ll teach you to hire an intern based on looks and not what he can actually do,” Maisy said with laughter in her voice, aware of her friend’s penchant.
“Why would you just assume I picked Aidan for his looks?” Brittany feigned hurt.