Page 8 of Training Maisy
“Okay, sorry. Now let me ask and not assume. Is Aidan hot?”
“Smoking,” Brittany said, and burst into laughter immediately. “Okay, I guess I did pick him partially based on his looks. Well, guess I laid my bed then. So, you, how was today?”
“Okay. Did a little rearranging, went sightseeing, and had a friend over,” Maisy said, not wanting to tell Brittany about going to the gym.
“You already made a friend? Now I’m really proud of you; I was scared you wouldn’t be able to get out of your comfort zone.”
“Well, it was more like she made me her friend than me actually doing anything. Her name is Chloe, and she’s kinda like you in a way, I guess.”
“Well, that’s good. Went to Jeff’s today,” Brittany said, talking about the restaurant that Maisy used to work in. She had quit her job almost immediately after her breakup with Eric.
“Jeff told me they’ve got a new chef working there already,” Maisy said.
“Yeah, and he’s good. I mean, not as good as you, of course, but he’s really good.”
“Well, I’m happy about that. I really feel bad about the way I left Jeff hanging when I quit,” Maisy said, her voice dropping low.
“Hey, you were going through a lot at that time, and you know how much concentration your work needs.”
“Yeah, but remember, fresh out of college, it was Jeff who gave me a chance.”
“Yeah, I know. But remember, he also advised you to take a break when it all went to shit. Trust me, he’s okay as long as you’re okay. Actually, I think he had a crush on you,” Brittany said, and Maisy laughed out loud at the ridiculous notion.
“Jeff? A crush on me? He has a girlfriend he’s happily in love with, and who, by the way, is way hotter than me.”
“No, she isn’t, and don’t start talking about your weight again. Or else I’m coming right over and knocking you upside the head. Remember he asked you out once that time and you told him no,” Brittany reminded Maisy. When she first started working in Jeff’s restaurant as an assistant chef, he had jokingly asked her to go out with him. At least she had thought it was a joke at the time.
“Come on, Brittany, he wasn’t serious about it.”
“He kinda was, just saying. Anyway, don’t worry about Jeff; as long as you’re fine, he’s okay.”
“Okay then,” Maisy conceded, “but I’ll call him tomorrow, you know, just to say hi.”
“If you want to. Anyway, guess you had a lovely first day in your new place—”
“I went to a gym today,” Maisy blurted out, unable to hold it in anymore.
“You what? Hey, that’s great. So, did you meet any cute guys?” Brittany asked, the wink she gave over the phone perfectly imagined by Maisy.
“Yeah, my personal trainer. Or supposed to be personal trainer, I guess. I ran out as soon as I found out.”
“What? Why?”
“I panicked. I mean, if you saw the guy, you would understand. He’s hot! As in I was imagining naughty things hot. No way I want him to see me all sweaty and breathless, or see all my extra parts jiggling in his face,” Maisy said half-jokingly, but there was still a small thread of shame Brittany was able to pick up on.
“So, what if he sees you breathless. You would be breathless if you were having sex, right? At least you should be if he’s doing it right.”
“Brittany,” Maisy chided her friend, “exactly how did we start talking about sex here?”
“Well, why else would you not want him to see you sweaty and messy? Which by the way, is the best kind of sex there is.”
“I don’t know.”
In a serious tone this time, Brittany asked, “Maisy, remember why you left Chicago? It was so you would be able to heal from the damage that asshole did to you. If you’re still scared of things like this, you’re letting Eric win, and I’m not just talking about the gym. I’m talking about everything. You haven’t had a decent meal since the breakup, or cooked one for that matter. You now wear all these baggy clothes that are way too big for you, and all this has got to stop. I want you to take risks, want you to live your life the way you used to before Eric. It’s the only reason why, even though I know I’m going to miss you like crazy, I let you move.”
For the first few seconds after that declaration, Maisy was silent, thinking about what Brittany had just said. It was the first time she was actually considering what her move meant to Brittany, and she realized how much her friend was sacrificing to see her get over her nasty breakup.
“I have been allowing what Eric did to me dictate my life, haven’t I?”
“Well, kind of.”
“I’m sorry.”
“No need to be; just promise you’re going to start living life,” Brittany said.
“I promise,” Maisy said, and this time she meant it. “Guess I have to go back to the gym tomorrow,” Maisy added, a hint of dread in her voice at the embarrassing scenario she was sure was waiting for her there.
“All right then, don’t forget to take pictures, lots of pictures, and send them to me. It’s been a while since I went to the gym . . . I kinda miss ogling all those six-packs and muscles.”
“I’m sure you do,” Maisy said, laughing. They remained on the phone for about fifteen minutes before hanging up. Her last thought before she finally dozed off was how she imagined Carter would look when he saw her in the gym the next day. She’d just tell him she forgot to feed her cat, and that was why she ran out. Then, of course, she’d have to go and buy a cat so that when he came over to verify the story, she could have proof she’s not a crazy person. Of course, she’d graciously accept his apology for disbelieving her and then tell him to drop down and give her twenty. She was imagining his muscles bunching and clenching as he did push-up after push-up. By the time Maisy came back to herself, she already had his shirt off and was kissing him. Cheeks flaming in embarrassment, she realized she now had two reasons why she really didn’t want to go to the gym the next day. It seemed she had a huge crush on her trainer.