Page 17 of Truth
Chapter 10
Lenin’s wordsdoused out whatever bliss remained like a bucket of frigid ice water. I dressed in a hurry, with Sterling close behind me. I wish we had more time; I wish I could have enjoyed his touch for a few more hours, savored the taste of his blood that still laid on my lips in the thinnest of coats.
“Do you know who it is?” Sterling asked as he zipped his pants.
“Do I look like a psychic, Sterling?” I almost growled. Then I felt bad because he’s a man. Sometimes their lips move before their brain catches up.
“Well, you seem to be everything else.” He mumbled under his breath, though he dared not speak it directly to me. Smart man. He looked toward the door, lowering his voice, “How long do you think the ogre was standing there?”
“The ogre has a name, and his name is Lenin, vampire.” I hissed quietly, “And I’m not sure.”
Honestly? I wasn’t sure about much of anything these days, especially when it came to the collection of males I’m now keeping. Was it wrong that I didn’t even mind if he watched? That the possibility made my stomach flutter and tighten all over again?
“You’re pretty testy for someone who just got laid.”
He was right. This past day I was feeling off. My emotions were far too close to the surface, and I knew it was because so much had happened in my life in such a short time. So much had changed, both for the good and the bad. And damn it, I just hadn’t had a chance to have a good solo ugly cry in the shower since this whole ordeal started.
I felt the need to apologize, because honestly, they didn’t deserve my mood. “I’m sorry.”
Sterling’s hand stretched out, grabbing my hip and pulling me toward him before laying a kiss on my forehead. “Stop. You’re perfect even when you’re a grouch.”
A throat cleared, “The female still lurks, Little Kitten.”
Oh. Right. Lenin hadn’t left. Not even an attempt to give us privacy as we dressed. I threated my fingers with Sterling’s before pulling him forward. When we reached Lenin, he blinked. “Your mates are all waiting to see how you wish to proceed.”
“And they sent you?” I questioned. That’s odd, wouldn’t it make more sense for Oak or Ellis to come collect me, since seeing Sterling and me naked was nearly a daily occurrence?
“Your Ellis said it was to pop my virginal cherry.” He paused, tilting his head, “Whatever that means.”
Behind me, Sterling laughed, and I squeezed his hand to quiet him. “I see. Well, I’m sorry if that made you uncomfortable.”
“I was not uncomfortable.” He stated before turning and walking toward the exit of the bedroom, “My kind does not have a preference between male or female. It’s the bond that draws them.”
Interesting. “So, you feel nothing towards, for instance, Sterling. But, Justice and I. . .”
“Are appealing. Yes.”
We entered the long hall heading toward the front foyer, “So are you . . . a . . .” Shit. How do I ask this? I felt Sterling’s body shake with silent laugher, and it wasn’t helping the situation.
“I’ve copulated.”
Oh. Well, then. This information was interesting. “So then . . .”
I trailed off, not really knowing what else to say. Talk about getting to know your mate, eh. And Sterling, ugh! I was going to kick Sterling when I got a chance. He was way too amused and I was way too grumpy for this bullshit.
“Now I can only copulate with you and our other mate.”
I can’t say I hate that idea. A selfish part of me loves that I don’t have to worry about him straying. It’s the odd part of me that finds both his glamour and his tusks sexy as hell. The thought of him and Justice together only fueled the flames that had already began to grow between my thighs, the want for them both together making me crave the men and the beasts.
We approached the others as they waited, arms crossed, solemn faced. I wasn’t fooled, I knew that the only one not up to some kind of foolishness was Oak, and that was only because he met his amusement quota for the century the day we fucked by the hay bale.
“Virginal cherry. Nice touch.” Sterling praised Ellis, and Justice and Ellis both smirked.
I groaned, “What’s the issue?”
“There’s a girl.” Oak announced. “She’s been trying to figure out a way into the gate for the last twenty minutes.”