Page 18 of Truth
“Have you thought about maybe letting her in?” I questioned.
“What?” Ellis grew serious. “And risk your safety?”
“How do you know she’s a threat?”
“Have you seen her heels? Boots like that scream she’s about ready to kick someone’s ass and she won’t let anyone stop her.”
Heeled boots? Ass kicking determination? There was only one person I knew that had both. I ran to the window, throwing open the curtains before standing on my toes and straining to see out through the glass. It was no use though; the windows were too high, and I couldn’t use my short stature in my favor when trying to look out at the angle I needed.
Large hands grabbed my hip and lifted me to the window while a chorus of amused chuckles filled the room. Jerks. This better not become a thing. You know, where they all gang up on the one female and target their jokes and amusement toward me.
I peered out the window again. My heart skipping a thrum as I spotted one of my only friends. “Let her in!”
Lenin sat me down, before flicking his wrist. The rusty iron of the gate outside squeaked before the familiar sounds of heeled boots came stopping up the walkway. I rushed to the door, swinging it open right as Michelle rose her fist to knock.
She stopped, held her fist midair before saying, “I texted you.”
Did she? Shit. I hadn’t even bothered checking my cell in days, probably a week, honestly. I had been a little preoccupied. “Did you?”
“Two weeks. Two fucking weeks and you couldn’t even let me know you were alive?” Had it been two weeks? Shit. Where did the time go?
“I know. And I’m sorry. I’ve just had a lot going on and –“
“I went to your apartment.” She lowered her hands to her hip as she laid into me, “No one saw you. I called, I heard nothing. Your spot you rent at the art studio remained untouched, or so they tell me. So I came here. This place you swore you wanted to sell as a last fucking resort. And here you are, just handing out and –“ Her eyes fell behind me for the first time and she froze. A look of terror and genuine fear pasted over her face before she reigned it in and put on a mask of indifference. “It appears you’ve been busy.”
“Yeah, come in, we can talk.” I offered mainly because, what exactly would I tell her? These super-hot beefcakes are all mine and I’m selfish because I wouldn’t have it any other way?
She leaned in, her voice barely audible as she whispered, “If you are in danger, I can get you out of here. I just need you to trust me.”
“They are not a danger.” I took her hand and pulled, letting her fall into the house before Lenin’s wrist twirled and the door shut.
When the door was shut and all men’s eyes were on us, I felt the tension rise. Oak spoke first, his voice stern. “Liberty. Get away from her.”
I looked to Michelle, who was wide eyed. She might have been seconds from running, which was shocking because she has her kick ass boots on. “What? Why?”
I began to pull my arm away when her grip tightened, “Don’t move. You can’t trust them. Let’s just go.”
Talk about being stuck between a rock and a hard place. “I do trust them.”
“Just trust me.” Her eyes pleaded and up until now, she had never led me wrong, but then again, neither had the men standing at my back.
“Where’s your other half?” Justice asked before he growled, his eyes flashing with his beast just below the skin, anxious to get out.
I stepped away from my friend and over to Justices side where I placed my palm on his chest, either to sooth him or hold him back, I wasn’t quite sure which. Without me near, Michelle seemed frantic, worried, scared, but I didn’t think it was for herself. The way she watched everyone around me as if they were a threat, made me realize that she was mainly worried for me. But I knew my men, and I knew with certainty they wouldn’t hurt me, even though the wolf I’m currently touching had threatened it once or twice.
“I don’t have one.” She confessed. “Libby, let’s get out of here.”
“What other half?” I asked.
“You wouldn’t believe me if I told you. Just . . .lets go.”
Wouldn’t believe her? Could her life seriously be more complicated than mine right now? I dropped my arm from Justice and crossed it over my chest, staring each and every one of the beings in the room down. “Somebody better explain.”
“I’ll explain back at my place.” Michelle tried to reason.
I shook my head, “Now.” Naturally, when I demanded people to talk, the whole room fell silent as each of them stared at me. I groaned and looked over at everyone, before picking my victim. “Lenin, you go first.”
For once, he didn’t speak right away, but rather mulled over his words. “Your being is unassessed.”