Page 7 of Truth
“Humans do not like husks?”
This human does. Very, very much so. It was like a fantasy I never knew I had. But others? I doubt the reception would be sold. “Humans are wary of the unknown.”
“I forget, I rarely venture far.” He mumbled, “Go collect your other companions. Rest for the night. We will leave tomorrow when I am fully cloaked. My wards are safe for the night.”
He didn’t wait to see if I would agree to this. He simply turned, his concentration solely on his work, while Justice stared at his – “It’s a nice ass, isn’t it?”
“I wasn’t looking.” He growled.
“I bet you weren’t, little spoon.” I patted his cheek and he scowled, his brows pulling together angrily as he caught my hand, gentle not to hurt me. “We are going to collect the others.”
“I will never be a little spoon, Liberty.” His words were harsh, and Oak, bless him, was trying so hard to school his face to neutral, but was failing miserably. He wasn’t just enjoying this; he was living for Justice’s torture at the moment.
“He might let you be big spoon then. If he doesn’t, I will.” All the men froze at the visual of me being under Justice, Oak’s amusement quickly wiped off his face.
“I’ll be any spoon you want.” Justice grabbed my hooded sweatshirt and pulled me forward, kissing me possessively, and if I had to guess, trying to use the kiss to prove a point. He pulled away, “Go get the others, I’ll stay here and make sure he doesn’t do anything shady.”
“I bet you will.” Oak added as he walked toward the door, holding it open for me before closing it behind us.
When we were alone outside, he pulled me toward the opposite end of where the others where located, “Where are we going?”
“They know it’s safe. They’ll come down, but you. I haven’t had you to myself in what seems like a long while.” He walked me through a group of chickens and past a fence that housed a few goats until he found a tall stack of hay. Then he pushed me against the hay, his body pressed to mine. “You need to stop collecting all these men, Liberty. I’m selfish. I don’t want to share my time.”
“I’ll always have time for you.” Hopefully, when this was over, I’d be able to give them all the time in the world. “When was the last time you ate?”
I felt like a shit mate. I hadn’t even asked how they all were doing after the whole ordeal back at Justice’s bunker, but I knew he had to have been exhausted. He used so much energy before I stepped in. He had to have fed, but it wasn’t from me and that caused jealousy to ball in my core.
“Sterling flew in some blood while you were unconscious. Tasted like ass, but it did the job.” He placed his hands on my hip as he nestled against my body, leaning his head down into the crook of my neck and breathing me in.
“You can feed if you need to.” I arched into him, loving the hard ripples of his muscles against my body.
“I don’t need to.” He mumbled against my throat as he ran his teeth over my skin, “But I want to.”
“Same difference.” I mumbled. “Hearing you laugh was hot.”
He pulled back, arching one brow, “Yeah?”
“Definitely.” He leaned forward to nibble against the skin of my jaw, “I had to clench my thighs just from the sound of it.”
Was I baiting him? Absolutely. But hell, I’ve been trudging through the wilderness for two damn days now, without a single orgasm. What’s the point of having four – wait – five, mates if I don’t get endless pleasure?
“Do you know how long it’s been since I’ve had a roll in the hay?” He smirked, and on his usually serious face, the look nearly had me melting.
“I’m willing to bet at least a few decades.”
“I think I’m due for it.” He mused.
“You know the others will be here soon. I had already seen them climbing out of the trees the moment they spotted us.” I reminded him.
“Yes, but it’s a good hike this direction. Plus, if they want to avoid ashes, they know to stay away.”
I bit my lip and his eyes followed the movement, “That’s a bit of a violent consequence, don’t you think?”
My fingers toyed with his shirt, brushing against the skin on his abdomen, causing it to tense and flex under my touch. “Worth it.”
I laughed, loving this side of Oak. He was strong, fierce, protective and deep down, he loved and cared just as ferociously. “Definitely worth it. Just don’t let them hear that I said that.”
“Never.” His hand trailed down to my butt before squeezing “I like these jeans, but the dresses are so much more accessible.”