Page 23 of Badari Medic
“Hainn fixed her up but I won’t be satisfied until I get her home.”
“I’m fine,” Raeblin said in a drowsy voice. “Suffering the aftereffects of a major healing though. A bit disoriented.”
“I won’t keep you then.” Gabe stepped aside. “Heard you two are mated now?”
“In all but the deed. As soon as she’s recovered.” Brent saw no need for more conversation either and continued his determined march toward the flyer he’d arrived in.
“I love it when you call me your mate.” Raeblin pulled his head toward her so she could kiss his lips.
“I appreciate the thought but don’t make me drop you, woman.” Off balance, Brent had all he could do not to stumble on the torn up pavement.
“You saying that word to everyone and to me is all the healing I needed today,” she said.
“When I learned they’d sent you out on a deployment without me it was a literal gut punch,” Brent replied. “I was furious and I had to get to you as fast as possible. I also accepted that the time for me to stop fighting it and man up had arrived. Had a few other insights too but I’m not sharing them with five humans.”
“We can talk later,” she agreed, resting her head on his chest. “I’m going to sleep all the way to the valley.”
By the time Brent was able to take off, three other Badari flyers had arrived and he knew the site was locked down and safe for the remaining soldiers and former prisoners, which relieved his minor discomfort over bugging out before the operation was finished. He installed Raeblin in the most comfortable seat on the flyer, legs elevated on cushions and ordered the five other passengers to find themselves places. “You.” He singled out a tall woman who gave off a trustworthy attitude, shoulders squared and face determined. “Keep an eye on my mate and if anything changes in her condition while we’re in the air, you come get me in the cockpit.”
Once he was in the pilot’s seat, he took off at an angle a lot steeper than was recommended and hit the afterburners to get home as fast as possible. He did the required indirect route to avoid Khagrish detection or tracking but he burned with impatience to have Raeblin in his arms, in his own residence. Checking with the valley controller, he was assured there’d be someone to meet the flyer and handle the five incoming new humans and also told Timtur, the senior healer would be meeting him and Raeblin at the same time. Brent wanted to avoid wasting time in the hospital if he could avoid the delay. Hainn had said the healing was successful so unless Timtur detected an issue, this was simply going the extra step to be sure Raeblin would be okay. He was more than willing to do that of course, but not one second more.
Sure enough, the humans were shepherded away by Bettira, who worked for Nicolle, the valley’s human administrator and Brent escorted Timtur up the ramp into the flyer to check Raeblin in private.
The healer wasted no time in running his hands over Raeblin at the usual two to three inches distance, the green glow of his power nearly blinding Brent. He’d thought Hainn was a stronghealer but clearly Timtur was way up on the scale above the South Seas’s man.
“You’ll be fine,” Timtur assured a drowsy Raeblin, as she blinked and yawned. “Go sleep off the effects and then take a few days off. I’ll tell Dr. Garrison not to schedule you for any shifts for the next week.”
They both thanked him and the healer was off, leaving them alone on the flyer.
“Can you help me to my residence?” Raeblin asked. “I’m kind of shaky on my feet right now.”
“I’ll take you there if that’s what you want,” Brent said. “I’m all about whatever you need to do right now.”
Head tilted, she studied his face. “But? What do you want?”
“Seven hells, I want to claim you right here and now, in this flyer but the idea’s not right on so many levels—you were badly wounded, it’d be like making out in the back seat of a damn groundcar in high school, I want our claiming to be special. Just had to say how much I want you.” There was silence from Raeblin so he added, “And what I really want is to take you to my residence and take care of you, let you sleep as long as you need. Then when you’re up to it, we could do the claiming properly.” The back of his neck was hot—was he blushing? The mere idea embarrassed Brent, hardened soldier that he was, but this was important.
“It’s a kind offer.” Raeblin sounded hesitant.
“One thing you need to know right now, I’ve never invited any other woman to my private residence. No one else has ever slept in my bed and no one besides you ever will. Did I date other women in the past here and were we intimate? Yes, I’m not going to deny it but the past is past. Not once was anything ever serious, not like the love I have for you. There are places in the valley where two people can get together privately and I’veused those but my cave has always been my retreat, not to be shared.”
Eyes glowing, Raeblin was watching him with a big smile. “Then I accept your invitation with thanks.”
He helped her out of the flyer and they headed toward the residence caves at a slow pace. “Do you want me to carry you?” he asked finally, as she was favoring her injured leg more and more.
“Do you mind? Hainn said I’d be sore even though the healing was done and I have to admit he was right.”
“It’s not too far now and no, I don’t mind.” Suiting action to words, Brent scooped her up and moved out at a quicker pace.
When Brent arrived at his cave, he set her on his nondescript couch and went to the kitchenette. “Are you hungry? I sent a message to Sandara while we were cruising home and asked her to send over a special meal for you, which I see the cubs have delivered.” He opened the stasis keeper and delicious aromas wafted out. The unit was packed with covered dishes so Sandara had gone the extra mile for him. “We have a lot of choices here.” Glancing at the living room, he saw Raeblin was blinking away tears and he hastened to her, kneeling on the floor beside the couch and wiping away the tears gently with his thumbs. “What’s wrong? Should I call Timtur?”
She shook her head. “I’m fine. You’re being so sweet and caring and it’s what I dreamed of and today has been so awful and then so wonderful— it’s too much for me right now.”
“I get it. No worries, don’t ever hesitate to tell me what you need.”
“I think I need the healing sleep most of all,” she said. “Much as I’d rather sample those delicious dishes and then go into your bedroom and claim each other, my body is fighting me.”
Brent scooped her up and carried her into the bedroom, where he helped her undress and gave her one of his tee shirtsto use as a nightgown. “I love seeing you in my shirt,” he said as she slipped under the covers.