Page 24 of Badari Medic
“I love being immersed in your scent. It’s soothing and I feel safe.” Raeblin adjusted the pillow. “You won’t leave me alone, will you?”
“Of course not. I’ll be right here and if any of those bad dreams show up, I’ll help you banish them.”
“Then I can sleep.” She closed her eyes and he tucked her in. “Brent?”
Pausing on the threshold of the bedroom, he turned. “Yes?”
“I love you.”
There was no choice but to walk to the bed and kiss her on the lips, a soft promise for what they’d be doing later, when she was recovered. He took a deep breath. “I love you too, which I’ve never said to anyone else, never wanted to say to anyone else.”
With a contented sigh, Raeblin scrunched lower in the bed. “See you on the other side.”
He satin the living room reading for the most part, although he checked on Raeblin frequently. She was sleeping peacefully; however, at one point he heard her talking and when he walked into the bedroom she was obviously in the grip of one of her flashback nightmares. He sat on the bed, holding her tight, murmuring reassurance, and although she didn’t awaken, she settled in with a contented purr and returned to deeper, peaceful sleep. He decided to curl up with her for however much longer she was going to need to sleep. His habit was to sleep in the nude, so he stripped out of his clothes and climbed into the bed carefully, so as not to wake her. Lying on his side, he drew Raeblin close to him, to spoon in the curve of his body. The Badari Daughters were on the petite side, not as big and muscledas the men, so he had a few inches on Raeblin, which he had to admit he liked.
Brent was in a mood of rare content and he drifted off to sleep easily.
He woke much later to Raeblin running her hands over his body, exploring his cock, which of course was already hard and aching, and his balls, which were drawn up tight to his body. “Good morning to you too,” he said, hugging her. “I could get used to waking up like this.”
“Actually I think it might be afternoon, but who cares?” she asked, kissing him.
“Does this mean you’re done with the healing sleep?” he asked, chuckling as she toyed with his flat nipples and ran her hand over his stomach, tracing his six pack.
“Definitely. I’m ready for action now and I only want one thing.” Raeblin changed position and took his manhood deep into her throat, swirling her tongue over the head, exploring the notch on the underside and putting him instantly on the edge of coming.
“Keep this up and we’ll be having an epically short encounter,” he said, stroking her back. He bit off a curse as she began to purr and the vibration traveled right to his cock. Brent fisted his hands in the sheets and fought for control as she continued to play. “Much as I love this, I want to give you what you need too, sweetheart.”
Raeblin allowed him to slip from her lips. “Oh, I’m ready for this, believe me. Waking up to find you naked in my bed was all it took.” She gave him a push. “On your back and get ready to be claimed, mate.” Pausing, even as he obligingly positioned himself per her command, she focused on his face and asked, “Are you sure you want to do this?”
He took her hand and kissed the palm. “More than I’ve ever wanted anything in my life.”
With a satisfied smile, Raeblin rose up and seated herself on top of him, rubbing the hot wet silk of her folds on his shaft. “The Badari—the actual Badari—has to claim first. Or so I’ve been told.”
“Don’t waste all the good work you’re doing, let me inside where I want to be,” he said. “I can help with this.”
“Oh you’ll do your part and do it well, I’m confident.” Her laugh was sensual and happy at the same time. Rising a little, Raeblin grasped his manhood firmly and slid herself on to the weeping tip. Brent thrust upward to meet her and sheathed himself deep inside her core,
With his next move he plunged further, reacting to the way she was riding him, and stroking him with her internal muscles. Hands on her hips to brace her and keep her exactly where he wanted her, Brent enjoyed the view. Raeblin had a luscious body, with curves a man could hang onto and lose himself in. She rode him with energy, moving her hips in a circular motion which drove him to distraction. He saw stars and felt the white lightning gathering in his balls.
“I’m close, sweetheart.”
She tossed her hair with an adorable chuckle. “Me too. You have my permission to lose control, mate.”
Brent exploded in an orgasm so intense he was close to blacking out, holding her so tightly as he arched and shot his seed he was afraid he might bruise her with his grip but he couldn’t stop. He might not have an inner predator like she did but this moment was so good, so powerful, he was elevated outside his own remaining humanity, into something else.
With a deep groan of pleasure that vibrated in his bones, Raeblin climaxed. Her claws raked his belly, not enough to draw blood but with a hint of pain sending his nerves into overload. Then she leaned over and bit him hard where his neck met his shoulder. Brent came off the bed, ecstasy rushing through hisentire body like the hit of a mainlined major feelgood, or a bolt of lightning maybe and to his astonishment his cock pulsed and there was a second, even more powerful orgasm.
“Mine,” Raeblin said on a mixture of a human voice and what must be her predator’s cry. She licked the spot where she’d bitten him and Brent relaxed into her embrace with a grateful exhalation. Raeblin tapped him over the heart. “I Claim you as my mate.”
Although he should have needed at least a few minutes to recuperate before he’d have been ready to initiate staking his own claim, Brent was still hard inside her, hot and ready to go.More Badari blood miracles, he thought with a tiny sliver of his mind as he rolled her off and came over her. There was no time for more introspection because he began driving into her for the next orgasm, the one where he could claim her. Raeblin was an enthusiastic partner, taking everything he gave her and asking for more. Poised on the edge, Raeblin coming right along with him, without hesitation he maneuvered their bodies so he could bite her in the same location, although since he didn’t have fangs, his blunt human teeth had to do the job.
He tasted the spicy elixir of her blood on his lips and swallowed hard before licking the spot on her tender skin, as she’d done for him. Gazing into her flushed, happy face, he said emphatically, “Mine. My mate, Claimed.”
He collapsed onto her, immediately taking most of his weight on his arms so as not to crush her and nuzzled her nose with his. “I want to marry you too, if you’ll have me. I want to do this up completely right and tight. Now, the Afterlife, the whole thing. No loopholes.”
“I love you,” she said in a quiet, contented voice. “Even though neither of us is human, I’d be proud to go through the human ceremony as well if it makes you happy.”
His heart was so full he could barely get words out.I love you, he thought.