Page 38 of Come Fill Me
Liz ignored him, keeping her attention on Zeke.
He seemed to enjoy that. She saw a flash of deepening interest cross his face and had to wonder what was going through his mind. Was he thinking how he might make her docile? Uh-uh. Somehow, Liz knew Zeke wouldn’t enjoy that type of woman.
She waited for his next command, which she might or might not follow, wanting to continue this game until both of them won.
Zeke allowed the silence to lengthen, with it becoming more intriguing than uncomfortable. And then he stepped back toward the door, renewing her earlier concern that he’d take off. Heat stung her skin. Just as quickly, more uncertainty caused it to go cold. Did he want her to acquiesce? Was he tired of playing? Whether he was or not, Liz wasn’t about to let him leave. All they had was tonight.
Not that she could tell him that or how much she craved him. Whatever road they were going down wasn’t going to last. Torn, she struggled for something to say.
Zeke beat her to it. “No, she doesn’t obey very well,” he said in answer to Jacob’s question. “But she will.” He released the metal button on his jeans and pulled down the zipper, its rasp sounding loud. The denim fell away from his body, revealing the edge of his pubic hair, the promise of his balls and cock.
With one shove, he had the jeans past his knees, the garment falling at his feet, his shaft bouncing out, already erect. Stepping out of the jeans, he cradled his rod, running his thumb over the mouthwatering head. Pre-come gleamed within the tiny slit at the top.
“You do what I say,” he warned, “or you don’t get this.”
He stood before her as a marauder would from ancient times. A man who suffered no disobedience from his woman, who bent her to his will and kept her beneath his body at night, a prisoner to his lust.
With each new wave of warmth that battered her, Liz knew she was blushing badly, though not from embarrassment. Everything that made her female responded to Zeke’s nudity, the effortless power he exuded, the kindness she recognized beneath his intimidating exterior.
Like a good girl who’s not about to push her man too far, Liz went to her hands and knees, facing Zeke, unwilling to let him out of her sight for a minute.
He watched her breasts sway with her movements. He studied her expression, no doubt wanting to read her thoughts. How much she hungered for him.
Jacob didn’t seem to notice the dynamics going on between them. If he did, he pretended not to care. The bedsprings squealed as he moved behind her.
“No,” Zeke said, more a reprimand than an order.
Jacob went still then huffed. “No?”
Zeke approached the bed, tension evident in his powerful body and each of his steps. “I mount her first.”
“And why is that?” Jacob asked.
Sensing a fight coming on, Liz answered, “Because I’m going to suck your balls and cock while your brother’s inside me, preparing me for your use.”
Zeke studied her, his expression unreadable, and then he spoke to Jacob. “Would you deny the lady?”
“Please don’t,” Liz said, glancing at him.
Jacob’s irritation hung on for a moment then drained away. He left the bed but remained at its side, his knees touching the mattress. “Turn around and face me,” he ordered her.
She obeyed, wanting what he did. He was so beautiful andyet so unsure, having to live in his brother’s shadow. Always Zeke would be the oldest, the most commanding, the one his people and women looked up to.
So why was he behaving so oddly? He almost seemed jealous of Jacob’s interest in her…as though Zeke didn’t want to share. At least not on an emotional level. He seemed fine as long as she was healing his brother, but beyond that…
Zeke joined her on the bed, jiggling it with his weight. He made no move to be delicate or to hide his impatience for this to begin.
“I want your ass higher.” He pressed his palm on her waist, directing Liz to obey, to please him and no one else. “Spread your legs more.”
She did her best, her attention compromised by Jacob’s demand that she also tend to him. He’d edged closer, his heavy sex near her face, its scent a mingling of soap and pure male. With one hand, he cupped her chin so she couldn’t deny him. With the other, he lifted his cock.
Zeke was of the same mind as his brother. While Jacob drew his crown across Liz’s mouth, teasing her with its velvety warmth, Zeke was doing the same with his rod, running the tip of it from her cunt to her anus as though he wasn’t quite certain which opening to use first.
A coarse moan tore from her.
Jacob used it to his benefit, slipping the head of his cock between her lips. Sounds poured from him, one men make when they’re on their way to contentment. He tasted exactly as she’d imagined…of clean skin with a hint of salt. His plump knob was silkier than chocolate, more inviting than that treat on her tongue. Greedily, Liz sucked him inside, enjoying his halting moans, wanting to hear him shout in delight.
Zeke must have guessed her intent because he took just that moment to enter her sheath, burying himself to the root withone dominant thrust. Liz’s back arched. She dug her fingers into the blanket. Zeke let out a loud sigh, proud as hell. His balls tapped her cunt.