Page 39 of Come Fill Me
Not to be outdone, Jacob cupped her head and moved closer, demanding she take all of him inside.
With her pussy filled by Zeke’s cock, Liz labored to concentrate on Jacob’s. Inch by inch, she guided him deeper, opening her throat, knowing he wouldn’t be content until her lips touched his dark curls.
Perspiration trickled down her temple and the back of her neck, her hair sticking to it.
Zeke eased out of her a bit and reached down, his fingers searching for and finding her nub.
At his first stroke, she inhaled sharply. With his second, she shuddered at the delicious pleasure, enhanced by having Jacob’s full length inside of her, his bush tickling her nose. Mirroring Zeke, he worked his cock within her.
They operated as competitors, their thrusts measured against each other’s, their goal the same, to drive her fucking wild with need. Not wanting this to end, fearful of what the morning would bring, Liz steeled herself against the plunging of Zeke’s cock, his fingers massaging her clit.
With Jacob, she released his shaft.
“Hey,” he complained.
Liz slapped his hand away from his cock. Moving it to the side, she exposed his sac, lapping his right testicle, easing it into her mouth.
He didn’t say “hey” again. The man was having difficulty breathing, much less speaking.
Pleased, she licked the rough hairs on this ball, exploring its contours with her tongue.
From behind, Zeke made a guttural noise that told her he wasn’t pleased. He demanded that she notice him to theexclusion of everyone else. Compliant, Liz squeezed her cunt around his cock, timing her movements so they coincided with his deep thrusts.
He huffed as Jacob had earlier, his fingers pausing on her clit, forgetting to rub it.
Liz used his distraction to release Jacob’s testicle and take the other one into her mouth, enjoying her command of two virile men.
Zeke was the first to regain his senses, tending to her nub with one hand while his other concentrated on exploring her anus. His wonderfully decadent move brought her to a screeching halt, her mouth sagging open.
Jacob’s testicle rolled out. With it freed, he was the next to regain control of her. He brought his cock back to her mouth, sliding its full length inside, pumping it in and out, expecting relief. Zeke was no different, his body tapping against hers at an increased pace, signaling his approaching orgasm.
Even if she would have wanted to get away—which she did not—Liz no longer had the opportunity. The Neekoma brothers kept her their carnal captive, using her brashly to suit their own desires while also fulfilling hers.
She came before either of them, not caring who heard her raucous moans. Jacob was next, spilling his thick, hot come into her mouth, expecting her to drink it, which she did. Zeke soon followed, his ejaculate filling her pussy. Their bellows filled the room, and their energy finally gave out.
Zeke released himself from her and sagged to the mattress. Jacob climbed on and stretched out, his chest heaving, his cock damp from her saliva and his seed.
Falling to the side, Liz lay between them, panting as they did. No one spoke. Touch was enough. Zeke curled his arm around her waist, pulling Liz closer. Noticing, Jacob scooted over, resting his leg on top of hers, marking his territory.
Both men held on to her and she allowed it, wanted it, worried once more about the inevitable ending of their brief time together, her leaving. Not seeing either of them again…especially Zeke.
She thought about him the most. Never having another chance to be within his arms, to hear his laughter, witness his smile. She tried to push the sorrow away, but it persisted and deepened, making her edgy.
Neither of the brothers was aware. Their breathing had slowed, their bodies relaxing in sleep. The weight of Zeke’s arm and Jacob’s leg pressed down on her. It was a welcomed hardship. One Liz needed to remember in the frightening days still ahead.
Chapter Seven
Zeke dreaded falling asleep, not knowing what trouble his dreams would bring. Unlike his visions that showed the future, the past always returned at night.
On the edge of consciousness, he watched himself as he was in his early twenties. He and his girl, Angie, were at the Taabe Sisters Shack, a fast-food joint their people owned. The rival clan, led by Carreon’s father, operated businesses on the other side of town. With an uneasy truce in place, everyone behaved and stayed with their own kind.
The scent of sweet potatoes, buffalo burgers, and fried corn with onions should have been enticing, but Zeke wasn’t hungry, couldn’t relax. Breaking up with a girl was never easy. However, there was no other choice. He was beginning to feel trapped. His legs bounced beneath the plastic table. His gut clenched as Angie placed her hand on his. Her palm was so soft and warm he almost forgot what the end of their date would bring. Almost.
“Zeke, what’s wrong?” she whispered. “Tell me.”
I don’t love you. I’m sorry, but I don’t. I can’t.