Page 72 of His Last Chase
Me: Everything is coming together, thank you for all your help. I’ll be able to make it to Rocktoberfest. Will you still be able to arrange that for me?
Easton: Happy to hear that and you’re welcome. I’ll have a car pick you up and take you to the private hangar we met at last time and fly you to Reno. From there another car will pick you up and bring you to the festival. They’ll alert me of your arrival, and I’ll meet you at the gate and escort you to their bus. I’ll make sure Chase is there to meet you.
Me: You are fabulous. Thank you again!
Easton: You’re welcome. And Casey, my job offer still stands.
I’d forgotten about that and honestly believed he’d only made the offer to be nice. At some point, Easton and I would have to sit down and actually discuss it before I made any career related decisions. I appreciated Dean Mitchell offering the sabbatical, but the truth of the matter was this challenge wouldn’t go away, especially the more Chaseand I were seen in public together and that wasn’t something I was willing to change. I was a happy Daddy, and a proud partner, and I wanted the world to know my songbird belonged to me.
I couldn’t wait to see my boy. I hated it was so last minute and at the tail end of their tour, but it would be worth it when he saw his playroom and that I’d taken care of everything for him. Now he could enjoy his downtime stress-free. Time to get back to unpacking his collection and adding the new ones I had purchased to the shelves.
Fizzbo and a couple of his guards came by and assessed the property. By the end of the week, he’d have everything installed and would walk me through arming and disarming it. Between that and the remainder of the things I had ordered for Chase’s room, it was down to the wire to catch my flight.
With the final pieces in place, the decorations on the wall plus a couple more surprises for my boy, I was off to the airport.
Chapter Seventeen
“Chase, can I speak to you for a moment, please?” Easton’s no-nonsense tone had me wracking my brain for anything I could’ve fucked up but I came up blank.
“Yeah, sure.”
He waved me inside our bus and shut the door. Easton was hard to read at times, his face gave nothing away. Bet he’d be a hell of a poker player.
“Shoot, I forgot something. I’ll be right back. Please wait here for me.” He disappeared and left me wondering…what the fuck?
A few minutes later I heard the golf cart pull up but when the bus door opened it wasn’t Easton who stepped inside.
“Daddy!” I yelled and ran straight for him, nearly knocking him over. “I can’t believe you’re here.”
“Believe it, Little Songbird, and let’s just say we owe Easton big time for making it happen.” Daddy made me giggle with all the silly kisses he pressed to my face.
The pedestal I had Easton on just elevated to the heavens. That man was an amazing magician, and he brought me the one thing that was missing, my Daddy.
“Are you just here for the day?” It was already Friday and we’d been here since Wednesday, I hoped Daddy would be here until we left. I was so excited to get home and pack my stuff up and move in with him, though I dreaded the packing part.
“I’m here for as long as you are, and I’ll be riding home with you.” Daddy kissed me again but this time he made it to my lips. “I can’t believe I’m holding you, my little songbird. It’s been far too long.”
“Yes it has been and when we get home, and I get to all moved in with my Daddy, I never want to sleep without him again.” Until I went out on our next tour, and he had to work. But those were thoughts for another time. “How’d you get time off?”
“Well, that’s something we need to talk about.” Daddy let go of me and I immediately regretted asking that.
“That doesn’t sound good.” Happy, sad, and now I hoped for happy again but wasn’t feeling it just yet.
Daddy sat his bag in my bunk and came back out.
“Come and sit with me, my love.” We slid into the booth seat that was wrapped around the table and wound our arms around each other. Nice and cuddly. Whatever was going on, Daddy would fix it like he always did. “I took a year-long sabbatical. It appears you and I are quite the sensation on social media, and it turned the school into a three-ring circus, so the dean and I agreed I’d take sometime off.”
“Oh my god. I’m so fucking sorry. I can’t believe this happened.” I tried to stand. I was antsy and had to pace this anxiety off, but Daddy wasn’t having it.
“Songbird, this isn’t a problem for me. I have plenty of vacation time banked and I’m still getting paid. Besides, I also have that job offer from Easton to consider but I didn’t want to talk to him about it until after you and I had. We’re partners and big decisions such as this must be made together.”
Daddy called me his partner and wanted my opinion. How did I get so lucky?
“You really want my opinion?” I was one lucky boy. When I was little I trusted Daddy to make all the decisions for us but when it was grown-up time it was nice to know we’d each have a say in the big ones.