Page 73 of His Last Chase
“I really do. It’s the only one that matters to me.” Daddy stroked my cheek and I nearly purred.
Fucking tears. Love had turned me into a big baby!
“Are those happy tears or sad ones, Little Songbird?” Daddy kissed them away as they fell, and I lost track of what he’d asked.
Oh yeah. “Happy, Daddy, really, really happy tears. Honestly, I’m good with anything that includes us spending more time together. Working together, living together—I want it all.” That was no joke. Not having Daddy around made me feel emptyand sad. Daddy made me a joyful boy just by being around him.
“I’m glad to hear that. After we get home I’ll set up a meeting with Easton and see what he has to offer, then we’ll weigh the options and make the best decision for us—together.”
My head bobbed up and down like one of those crazy bouncy head thingies.
“Deal, Daddy. Ah! I can’t believe you’re here.” I practically crawled onto his lap, and he laughed.
“Me, too, Songbird. Me, too.” Daddy kissed the top of my head, and I was in heaven.
Far too soon, others joined us. Now I knew what Seltzer meant all those times he called us cock blocks. Not that Daddy and I had time for that but maybe just a little bit of touching could carry us through until tonight.
“I hate to break this up,” Easton said, “but Embrace is due in the media tents in ten for interviews.”
I grabbed Daddy’s hand and practically dragged him out to the waiting golf cart. There was no way in hell I’d let him out of my sight. I didn’t let go until it was time for the first of many back-to-back interviews we’d be shuffled through.
When we got to the main and final one with Octane, I’d made the decision to no longer ignore the usual token straight guy assumptions.
“Wow, Embrace the Fear has skyrocketed to the top of the charts. Congrats, guys,” she said and the four of us high-fived and whistled. “With all the fame and fortune and three-quarters of you settled down, what’s next for the band?”
Rhone took that one. “Rocktoberfest ends our current tour with Chaotic Abyss. We’ll be home to spend the holidays with our families then after the ground thaws in spring,” she laughed. “We’ll finish the tour along the east coast then it’s back into the studio to record our next record.”
She turned to me. “Chase, still out there breaking hearts?”
“Nah, that’s all behind me now. I’m no longer the lone man out. I found my forever.” Daddy’s eyes met mine.
“Given the look on your face she’s one lucky girl,” the interviewer said. Laser focused on Daddy, I’d forgotten her name but knew what I’d say next.
“What?” It was like hearing a record scratch and I swear to fuck every eye in the tent was on me.
“Guy, not girl. He’s here with us.”
“Wait, the man who just broke every female fan’s heart is here in this tent? Where?” When I said nothing, she followed my line of sight. “All right, handsome,” she waved Daddy over. “Time to face the firing squad.”
David, Rhone, Seltzer and I were sitting on the couch and Daddy smiled as he joined us and filled the space behind me. The only other one of us who’d been photographed with their partner was Seltzer with Jeremiah. Jordan and Ely hated the limelight and preferred to stay behind the scenes. They’d made it into a photo or two but avoided the paps like the plague. Can’t say I blamed them and after this Daddy’s face would flood social media even more so than it had.
Good thing he was already on leave.
“Well, there you have it,” she winked at Daddy. “Chase Prescott is no longer single, ladies and well, gentlemen.”
Then it dawned on me, this was my coming out story and a wave of giggles hit me just as they shut the cameras off.
“What’s so funny?” Daddy whispered.
“I just came out.” Shit, I probably should’ve cleared that with Easton, Jeremiah, and River first.
“Way to go,” Seltzer shot me a high-five and David shook his head.
“Well, fuck.” I was so fucking happy you couldn’t smack the smile off my face and Daddy had the same sappy look. “Totally worth it.”
“How are we supposed to follow that?” Derek Masters said to me as we exited the tent. The guys from Maiden and Social Sinners had gathered around the entrance, waiting for their interviews.