Page 3 of Sasquatch Love Spell
“There’s someone coming,” he growled, sniffing the air. There was a deep rumble in his chest. “They’re about thirty clicks away.”
All the hairs on the back of her neck stood on end, because she could feel it too. Like a prickle. She had no doubt it was Order members coming to collect her. They were smarter than she thought. She spun around to the Sasquatch standing there.
“You have to hide me,” she begged.
“They’re coming for me. I can’t go with them. Can you hide me?”
He looked uncertain and then took two steps to close the distance between them. His feet were bare, massive. And there was no doubt in her mind he was definitely a Sasquatch. For one brief moment she couldn’t help but wonder what else was supersized on him.
“I can help,” he agreed. “I have a place. Twenty kilometers to the north of Manitouwadge. It’s isolated. I’m not close to anyone or anything. I can’t be.”
“I can get us there.” She took a step toward him, her blood heating and thrumming through her. She just had this urge to let him have her, to let him take her over and over again.
It’s the love spell. It’ll wear off.
“How?” he asked.
“You just have to visualize.”
“Are you a witch?” he questioned.
“Yes, and a banshee. You’ll have to hold on to me and then I can manifest us there.”
He nodded and hooked his axed onto his belt. Then he scooped her up in his massive arms, like she was nothing, and held her close. His fur was soft and smelled clean, like wood and smoke. Her body burned like an ember.
She was so fucking turned on.
Love spells were like infatuation and arousal sure, but this felt different. Like a mating frenzy. She wondered if she was being affected by what he was putting out. And she was surprised to be affected by it. With her blood flowing with wraiths and Death DNA, she wasn’t usually affected by natural magic, pheromones, or mating frenzies. A concocted love spell by her mother could affect her, but not for this long.
This felt different.
She also knew this happened when witches found their soul partner, but in her thirty-some-odd years, she’d never felt this unfurling heat and fire that she was feeling right now. This throbbing need.
Sex was not for fun and she never experienced lust. She could feel herself getting wet between her legs as her arousal bloomed.
His nostrils flared again, his fingers digging into her bare shoulders. She realized she was still dressed in her Order’s mating garbs, which was basically little to nothing. She’d used her glamor on the train to hide from the humans, but this Sasquatch was not a non-magic being and could clearly see through the veil she used to hide.
“Can I ask a question?” his voice rumbled.
“Your name.”
A sly smiled tugged at his lips. “I don’t usually carry off women I don’t know.”
“Aoife. And I thought that’s what all Sasquatch did?” she teased.
He snorted. “Maybe my father, but I’m half Sasquatch and that’s not my jam.”
“Women aren’t your jam?”
“Oh, they most definitely are my jam. I like to spread them and lick up all the sweetness any way I can.”
Arousal unfurled in the pit of her belly, her nipples hardening as she instantly thought of him spreading her legs and burying his face in her pussy, licking her up and down.