Page 4 of Sasquatch Love Spell
“How do you mean?” she asked, her voice shaking as she pressed her thighs tightly together.
“I’m not allowed to carry off women; it’s against the law. And I definitely don’t carry off women without knowing their name, but now I know your name, I can carry you off properly.” He winked and she laughed nervously.
“What’s your name?” she asked.
“Skookum…Adam Skookum.”
“Well, Adam just visualize your place and I’ll get us there. Then I can explain to you everything that’s happening and why I’m on the run.”
“Very well, Aoife.” Adam closed his eyes and visualized his little log cabin that he’d built under the outcrop of a granite cliff.
She could see it clearly. High up on the Canadian Shield and deep into the boreal forest. It was the perfect place to hide.
The Order would think she was going to the portal. As long as Adam let her stay, she could hide out with him until the heat was off. Although, would they even stop hunting her? Not when she was promised to Prince Ivar.
Aoife visualized the property. Her body vibrating and glowing as she moved them through the fabric of space and time. Adam’s big hands were gripping her, holding her close, his breathing accelerated as everything around them slowed down.
She wanted to tell him it would be okay, but she had to keep focused on his cabin and safety. It only took mere moments and they were standing outside of his cabin. Her heart rate calmed and the light dissipated as she became more cognizant of where they were.
“Shit,” Adam murmured in disbelief. “You did it.”
“I told you. I’m part banshee. I can’t do it for very long distances, and I’m going to need some rest before I can attempt it again.”
“You can rest here. You’ll be safe.” Adam set her down and sniffed the air. “No trouble here. I will warn you, some of my brothers are lurking close and they’re more like my father.”
She swallowed the lump in her throat. There were more? “Oh?”
Adam smirked. “A gorgeous woman nearby…it’ll drive them wild and bring them out of the woodwork.”
Aoife straightened her cloak over her scantily clad body. “So, they might make away with me in the night then?”
Adam nodded, his amber eyes glowing like flames. “Unless I put my scent on you.”
Adam couldn’t quite believethe words coming out of his mouth as he said it, because he had never, ever wanted to put his scent on another female before. He was kind of a loner, but when he saw her in the woods, after almost killing her with a felled tree, there was just something about her that drew him in. Her long black hair, her dark eyes and her luscious, curvaceous body.
Immediately, he thought she could handle a good pounding.
And then he smelled her arousal.
Her sweet intoxicating scent of rain and wildflowers.
All those dormant Sasquatch genes he got from his father seemed to activate and kick on. The drive to mate was burningin his blood. He had noticed her scantily clad dress. If you could even call that lace, leather and fishnet garb a dress.
His cock throbbed the moment he laid eyes on her.
His brothers constantly teased him, because he was trying too hard to be “human,” to be respectable. Obey all the rules and restrictions placed on his kind. Maybe something was wrong with him, but since his parents died, he had to look out for his brothers. He was the eldest. When they’d go into Thunder Bay, into the part of town where other magic beings could hide under the safety of the portals veil, he’d conduct his business with other magical beings, while his brothers ran amok.
Not that he blamed them.
There weren’t many female Sasquatches. Most of his kind were male and half-breeds. For eons, males carried off human females to mate with. The Sasquatch love spell, a pheromone to entice a fertile mate, was potent and worked well. Once the woman had fallen in love them, males would carry her off willingly. They would bring her endless pleasure and she’d bear his young. Most important, his soul would be tied to hers forever. If she died, he died.
They mated for life.
He should’ve carried off a human female by now, since female Sasquatches were very, very rare and not many were around, but he hadn’t yet. His father had always said there was something wrong with him, hiding the monster within.
Maybe something was wrong with him.
And then the laws were created and there were restrictions. So he’d given up on the idea of ever finding anyone. Magical females he’d been with used him.