Page 44 of Love Defies Us
“What does this have to do with me?” I snap. What he’s saying isn’t making any sense. He was the one that told me he didn’t want me. Men are the most simple and complicated creatures on this planet. “He told me that he was using me. And he didn’t have any feelings for me.”
“He lied to you. Your mother forced his hand. She told him that if he stayed with you, she’d go to the media and lie and say he pushed Mae down the stairs on purpose to lose the baby. He did what he did to protect the band.” He folds his arms across his chest.
My anger courses through my veins and I ball up my fists. This is the last time I ever allow my mother to control my life. As soon as I leave here, I’m going to pay my mother a not-so-nice visit.
And of course, Felix will do anything to protect the ones he loves because that’s how his heart is. Sacrificing himself to protect everyone else. The elevator stops and we both step out. East’s feet stay glued to the white tiles as a co-worker strolls pass us.
“Why are you getting involved? You hate everyone.”
He eyes me up and down and his mouth curls in the corner. “Felix is my brother. He and his dad took me in when I was kicked out at sixteen, so I owe him a lot.” He rests his hand on the back of his head. “I want something in return.”
I eye him suspiciously. “Ok. What is it? My soul? You can’t have it, I already sold my soul to another god.”
He laughs, actually laughs, and that’s the first time I’ve seen him smile. Normally he’s broody and pissed off at the world.
“I want a homemade pecan pie with extra pecan.” His tone is lighter than a cloud.
I stare as if he told me that he’s an alien. That’s a strange request. I can’t bake to save my life, so I’ll asks Jasper to help me out.
“Pecan pie. Really?”
He nods. “Natasha used to make them for me.” His words throws me off.
This is the first time I’ve ever heard him mention her. No one but Easton knows the real reason why she hung herself. But I know it tore him up inside. For the public to blame him for her death was a very shitty thing to do.
“I’ll see what I can do. Thanks.”
“You’re not welcome. This is the last and only fuck you’ll get out of me, Sadie. So enjoy it.”
He smirks. Only Easton can be mean and nice at the same time.
Ibang on the door of my mom’s new estate. After speaking to Dad, he told me that she moved in with Felix’s dad two weeks ago. My mother opens the door and she smiles at me as if she’s the new leader of the world. Conniving and deceitful. Normally, I would shrink under her glare. But that’s the old Sadie, the new Sadie isn’t taking any more of her shit.
She flattens out her cream blouse then her black pencil skirt. Her hair is in a French braid.
“How dare you?” I scream at the top of my lungs. That’s it, I can’t keep my anger in anymore. This is going to be the last time she’ll butt in my life ever again. I’m sick of her fucking bullying. Mr. Sawyer waltzes to the door with his shirt off, displaying his hairy chest and leather pants.
Who wears leather pants in the middle of June?
He rests his hands on her shoulder, presses his lips to the side of her temple. Repulsive. I want to vomit, and I should, right in her face.
“You blackmail Felix into breaking up with me by telling him you would destroy his character with the media. How. Dare. You?”
“You did what?” Mr. Sawyer cocks his eyebrow and a frown ceases his face.
I stab my index finger into her shoulder, and she doesn’t flinch. “You stay the hell away from us. You hear me this time? If you keep fucking with me and Felix, I’ll go to the media about the many affairs you had. I’ll tell them how I’m a bastard child and how you’re a neglectful mom. I’ll air out all our family’s dirty laundry. I’ll make you look so shitty that you’ll wish I wasn’t your daughter.
“And let’s see if your stuck-up friends will hang around?”
I ball up my fists and dig my nails into my palms. Her face turns red, and she wrinkles up her nose.
Mr. Sawyer takes a step back, looks at my mother as if she lost her mind. His facial expression morphs into complete anger. “You threatened my boy?”
She stands there frozen, her eyes trained on me.