Page 25 of Frozen Hearts
Willow directed her towards the couch. They sat in awkward silence that Mel wished she could escape. She was trying desperately to think of something she could say to fill the silence when Willow beat her to it.
“I think I accidentally hurt your feelings last night. When I suggested that sleeping with you didn’t have to mean anything.”
Mel was surprised that Willow was so ready to bring the subject of last night up. If Willow was ready to lean into the moment there was no reason why she couldn’t do the same.
“It didn’t feel great to hear that,” Mel admitted. Willow glanced away frowning. When she looked back Mel offered her a genuine smile.
“I’m sorry that I didn’t find a better way to say what I was thinking. I didn’t want you to think I was putting any pressure on you. I’m not holding you to any expectations. But if you’re up for it, I would love to go out on a date sometime,” Willow offered. The sunlight through the window caught Willow’s red hair and made it look even more vibrant.
“I would like that very much,” Mel admitted.
“Do you have any plans tonight?” Willow asked.
“As it happens, I’m free tonight.” Mel smiled.
“Could I come pick you up around seven?”
“Seven works for me,” Mel laughed.
“Then I’ll see you at seven,” Willow said. Mel watched as Willow tucked a strand of red hair behind her ear.
“I should get going. I’ll see you at seven.” Mel could feel her cheeks redden with a deep blush.
Mel handed the cup back to Willow. She walked towards the door, painfully aware of the possibilities she was leavingbehind. But Mel wanted to go on a date. She wanted to be romanced. On top of that Brianna was definitely still waiting for her to give an update about what had happened.
Brianna practically leaped up from the couch when Mel came through the door. Her face was lit with anticipation. Mel watched as Brianna folded her hands in her lap, desperately trying to seem calm.
“Well, what happened? You were over there for a long time,” Brianna said. Her words fell out of her mouth so fast they jumbled together.
“We had a cup of coffee together,” Mel began.
“And?” Brianna asked.
“And… Willow asked me out on a date tonight,” Mel smiled.
“Look at you getting asked out on a date,” Brianna laughed.
“Let’s not make it sound like me getting out is so far-fetched,” Mel protested.
“I mean you spend all your time at home and work, and with me. So the chances of you getting asked out aren’t great,” Brianna teased. Mel hated that her friend made a good point.
“I run into new people all the time,” Mel said with a frown.
“I know. This time running into someone even got you a date,” Briann laughed.
“That was just rude,” Mel smirked.
“I’m sorry. I couldn’t help it. I am excited for you. Where are you guys going to go?”
“I don’t know. We didn’t really hash out logistics.”
“Such rebels,” Brianna grinned.
“I have a rebellious side.” Even saying the words felt wrong. There was nothing Mel liked more than some well laid rules.
Brianna hopped up from her spot on the couch and stretched her arms over her head. She gave Mel a huge hug as she walked towards the door.
“I should get to work. But let me know how everything goes tonight.” Brianna arched her eyebrows mischievously.