Page 26 of Frozen Hearts
“I want all the details,” Brianna laughed. Before Mel could reply Brianna had disappeared through the closed door. Mel shook her head.
Mel plopped onto her couch. She had a date tonight, with Willow. So much had changed in the last twenty-four hours. It was enough to make Mel’s head spin. It was enough to cause her cheeks to flush bright red. She and Willow were actually going on a real date, Mel smiled to herself. Part of her still couldn’t believe her current reality.
Chapter 12
Willow had gone out on many dates in her past. Which was why her sense of anxiety over picking Mel up was frustrating her. Willow had spent the majority of her day focusing on work. Now it was time to get dressed for her date and she found herself at a loss. She pulled a shirt out of her closet, then remembered that had been Amy’s favorite shirt. Willow put the shirt back and sat on the bed.
It had been six months since Amy left. Some days six months felt like a lifetime had passed. Other days six months felt like only yesterday. Amy leaving had been hard on Willow. She still wasn’t sure what exactly had happened?
What was worse her home still held the remnants of Amy. Some of her clothes still hung in the closet. Amy’s toothbrush still lay unused in Willow’s bathroom drawer. Willow had finally managed to put Amy’s note to her in a drawer, but she couldn’t bring herself to throw it away. The note that had told Willow that Amy’s feelings had changed even as Willow’s remained the same. It was hard being the last one to move on.
Willow finally picked a white and navy striped tank top with a pair of cutoff shorts. She pulled out her laptop and tried to come up with places to take Mel. WaterColor had grown a lot over the years, but in many ways it still felt small. She finally decided on a restaurant with a balcony overlooking the ocean. They could enjoy dinner, drinks and then maybe a walk on the beach. The thought of taking someone out on a date filled Willow with a funny mix of anticipation and excitement.
Her phone buzzed and she knew without looking that it would be River. She had texted her friend to tell her about the date. She smiled down at a message that was mostly excited emojis.
Willow:Does that mean you approve?
River:It doesn’t matter if I approve. But yes. I’m so excited for you friend.
Willow:It’s just one date.
River:Sure but it’s been a long time since you’ve found someone you want to date. I get to be excited.
Willow:Fair enough.
River:Where are you going to take her?
Willow:That new place. Olsen and Wells. It’s right on the ocean.
River:Very romantical.
Willow:What should I say to her?
River:Try not yelling at her.
Willow:Ha ha
River:Just be yourself.
Willow:That’s awful advice.
River:No it isn’t. You’re wonderful.
Willow:You’re sweet. And you give me too much credit.
River:Seriously! When you aren’t yelling you can be quite charming.
Willow sent River a simple eye roll emoji and went back to getting ready. She stared at the pink bottle of perfume on her bathroom counter. She hadn’t used it in six months. The fragrance was one of those pricey kinds that one could only find in a boutique. Amy had bought her the perfume sometime last year. Willow used to wear the scent religiously, as it was Amy’s favorite. Willow trapped her lower lip between her teeth andchewed it.You’re being ridiculous,It’s past time to move on. Willow picked up the bottle and sprayed the a tiny bit on her neck. The move felt strangely empowering.
The time had come to pick Mel up for their date. Willow couldn’t help notice the way her heart skipped a beat at the thought of taking Mel out on a date. Was it Mel? Or was it going out on a date with someone other than Amy that had her tied up in knots. Willow couldn’t be sure.
Mel came to the door wearing cargo shorts and a white tank top. Willow had never seen someone look so stylish while wearing something so simple. Her mouth was suddenly dry, and Willow had to swallow a couple of times so that she could speak.
“Hi,” Willow managed to say in a too hoarse whisper.
“Hi. Are you okay?” Mel asked. The spot between her eyebrows knitted together in obvious concern.
“I’m great. I just had a frog in my throat,” Willow chuckled. She rubbed absentmindedly at the back of her neck.