Page 46 of Frozen Hearts
“Text Mel. If there’s one thing talking with Amy showed me, it’s how deep my feelings for Mel truly are.”
“Can I meddle in your life one final time?”
“I guess,” Willow said, she eyed her mother suspiciously.
“Don’t text. Go see Mel in person,” Angela suggested.
Willow nodded her head. Her Mom was right. So much had happened over the last couple days that Willow knew seeing Mel in person was the only way to have the conversation with her that she needed to have. Willow longed to tell Mel how much she’d missed her while she got things sorted out with Amy.
On the way to the cafe Willow picked up some flowers. Seeing Mel at the dog park that morning had almost brokenWillow. There had been a look of pain in her eyes that hurt Willow to the core. She knew that convincing Mel to hear her out would be a long shot. She saw Mel through the window of Mallie’s diner and felt her heart thud. What was she even going to say to this wonderful woman?
Willow sighed out loud, startling a couple of old women walking down the street. This was Willow’s chance to be brave. She pushed the door open and took the first step inside. Partially blinded by the sunlight Mel didn’t see Willow. She barreled right into Willow, spilling three plates of food onto her.
“I’m so sorry,” Mel gasped before realizing it was Willow.
“This is getting to be a habit for the two of us,” Willow laughed. She watched as Mel’s features hardened as she recognized Willow.
“I guess that’s true. Lucky for you Amy seems more than capable of interacting with you without any spills.” Willow grimaced. She deserved the words but that didn’t make hearing them any easier.
“Can we talk?” Willow asked. She was suddenly aware of all the people around them.
“I’m working. Besides what’s left to talk about? You told me that you wanted to be with me. You said you loved me. Thenas soon as your ex was presented to you all of that went out the window.”
“No, it didn’t. My feelings for you never changed. Please, let’s talk.”
“Fine. You can come over to my place tonight. I need to give you all your stuff that you left over there anyway,” Mel said, there was a tremble in her voice that told Willow that she was more sad than angry. Willow wasn’t sure that was better.
“Okay. I’ll see you tonight,” Willow responded softly.
She left the diner feeling somewhat defeated. The flowers she bought were still in her hands, stems broken by her collision with Mel. There was only one thing she could think to do. Willow pulled out her phone and texted River. She knew her friend would come, because she always came. That was what made River such an incredible friend, she could always count on her to come when she needed her most.
Chapter 19
“Do you think I’m being dramatic?” Mel asked. Jordan arched her eyebrow as she took a sip of coffee.
Mel watched Jordan with vested interest. The woman was probably the most competent person Mel had ever met. Jordan paused and Mel could tell she was considering her answer before she spoke. After her encounter with Willow, Mel had gone to the smartest person she knew. When it came to life there were few people whose advice Mel trusted more than Jordan’s.
“Did Willow say she wanted a break?” Jordan asked.
“No. I asked for the break because I wanted her to be able to truly work everything out with her ex. I didn’t want there to be any questions as far as who she wanted to be with.”
Jordan nodded thoughtfully.
“But was part of you hoping Willow would say she didn’t need a break? Was part of you wanting her to say that she already knew you were her choice?” Jordan gave Mel athoughtful smile. Mel blushed. She felt as though Jordan had cut through to her soul.
“That would have been nice. I wish she could have said those things to me. Of course, part of me wanted to feel chosen right away. But I expected Willow to need to take some time to figure out her feelings. But yes, I wanted what she felt for me to be so overwhelming that she didn’t have to ask any questions,” Mel explained.
“I think you did the right thing. I also don’t think you’re being dramatic. It is a little bit of a blow to start a relationship with someone and then for them to seemingly backpedal out of the blue. At the same time if this woman really did just leave out of the blue I think it’s fair that she needs some closure.”
“So what should I do?” Mel asked.
“Be honest. But be open-minded as well. Willow didn’t seek her ex out. She was forced into an unexpected situation. I would listen to what Willow has to say. Ask any question you can think of to make sure none of your boundaries have been crossed then go from there.”
Mel nodded her head, it was sound advice. She looked around Jordan’s office at all of the adoption photos of dogs with their new owners. Mel found her picture with Mase and smiled at the memory.
“You’re right. I think it’s fair to have some negative feelings. But I also think I need to keep an open mind. Of course, there’s a chance that none of this matters anyway,” Mel admitted.
“What do you mean?”