Page 47 of Frozen Hearts
“Well, there’s always a chance that Willow will ultimately decide to stay with Amy.” Mel tried to make herself sound nonchalant. She tried to say the words as if that scenario wouldn’t rip her in half.
“That’s not going to happen,” Jordan smirked.
“How could you possibly know that?”
“For one, look at you. You’re gorgeous and you’re smart. Willow would be stupid to pick anyone else. But also, Amy left her in the worst possible way. I don’t care what anyone says, that kind of pain is never forgotten.”
“I guess you’re right. But I still can’t bring myself to be completely confident in that. If there’s one thing I know about people, it’s that they have a way of surprising you,” Mel sighed.
“You’re definitely not wrong about that,” Jordan admitted with a smirk.
Mel glanced at her cell. She was going to be late meeting Brianna. When Mel had called her, Brianna had insisted on giving her a pep talk before Willow came over.
“Thanks for talking me through everything. You’re always very helpful.” Mel meant every word. She had come to respect Jordan and her advice.
“Anytime. My door is always open for a friend,” Jordan flashed a warm smile. Mel felt a warming in her heart.
She closed the door behind her as she left. Mel took the corner at a jog and ran smack into someone. They both fell to the floor. Mel stood and extended a hand. When her eyes met the other woman’s she had to stop herself from groaning out loud. Of course, she would run into Willow’s mom. Angela grabbed her hand and pulled herself to her feet. She shot Mel an appraising glance on the way up.
“Sorry. I didn’t mean to run you over,” Mel apologized. Angela was quick to shoot her a smile.
“That’s okay. I probably deserve that at the very least after everything,” Angela laughed. Her words took Mel by surprise.
“I’m sorry, what?” Mel asked, confused. Angela gave a loud sigh.
“It has been brought to my attention that I probably overstepped. Apparently, tracking down your daughter’s ex-girlfriend and inviting her over is considered meddling,” Angela smirked. Mel laughed at Angela’s self-realization.
“There are some who would say that,” Mel chuckled.
“What I’m trying to say is that I’m sorry. I thought I was helping by reuniting Willow and Amy. But now I see that you were the one she wanted all along.”
Mel felt a flutter in her heart.
“Why do you say that? It seems like Willow was more than considering Amy,” Mel said in a half-grumble. She forced herself to smile. This was Willow’s mom, after all.
“Sweetie, Willow doesn’t have eyes for anyone but you. She just wanted closure with Amy so that she could move on,” Angela insisted.
Mel wanted to allow Angela’s words to comfort her more than anything. But she could still feel her heart holding back. Angela could see the concern on her face.
“It can be hard to give someone a second chance,” Angela said.
“Yes, it can. What if she never loves me the same way she loved Amy?”
“She won’t,” Angela said with a shrug of her shoulders.
“No two loves are ever the same. Willow had what she had with Amy. It can’t be duplicated with you, and it shouldn’t be. Because what you have with Willow will be your own special thing.”
“Thank you for saying that. It means a lot to have your support,” Mel admitted.
“You don’t need my support. Willow loves you,” Angela chuckled.
“Maybe not. But I still want your support,” Mel reassured her.
“Then in that case, you have it,” Angela smiled. Mel returned a smile of her own.
“What are you doing here?” Mel asked, suddenly curious.