Page 15 of Perfect Enough
Sophia: Where do you live?
Me: Hamilton, Montana.
Sophia: Oh my God. Josh, I live in Stevensville!
I stared at her last text. At absolute best, she was thirty minutes from me. What in the hell were the odds of that? And what did we do with this new information?
The fire alarm went off, and I only had time to type back one word.
Me: Alarm!
I shoved my cell into my pocket and ran into the firehouse. Slipping into my gear, I quickly climbed into the truck. Warren looked at me questioningly.
“What?” I asked over the sirens.
He shrugged. “Just making sure your head is clear.”
I glared at him. “Have I ever askedyouthat before?”
“No, but I’m pretty damn sure you’ve never seen me smiling at my phone like I was fucking besotted.”
“Fuck you, Warren.”
He laughed, and I tried like hell not to look at him again as we raced toward the fire.
By the time we got back from our call—a small fire in an abandoned warehouse—and I got out of my turnout gear and showered, I was pretty sure it was too late to text Sophia. Even though she had sent the last text.
Sophia: Be careful!
Me: Sleeping?
The dots quickly appeared, and I couldn’t ignore how my stomach did a weird dip.
Sophia: Reading.
Me: Hot date with a book, huh?
Sophia: You bet! It’s a mystery love story, but the two main characters are taking forever to admit that they like each other. I’m getting annoyed.
Smiling, I lay back on my bed.
Sophia: So, now that we know we live so close to each other, I wonder if we’ve ever been in the same place at the same time.
Me: We could have been, especially if we’re anywhere close to the same age, we did say to hell with that rule.
Sophia: We most certainly did.
Me: Why do I love that you’re a rule breaker?
Sophia: Like you’re not dying to know how old I am.
Me: I’m very curious to know how old you are. I’m twenty-two.
Sophia: I’m twenty-two also.
Me: That is crazy! What are the odds we’d be the same age?
Sophia: It is crazy, but also kind of neat.