Page 25 of Perfect Enough
“Yeah, it does. The only thing she’s looking for is a friend. And I’m totally okay with that. I’ve got way too much going on in my life to pursue someone, anyway.”
I could feel his eyes on me. When I dared to look his way, he simply nodded, and said quietly, “Yeah. I get it.”
We drove the rest of the way to the main barn in silence.
Chapter Six
The light knock on my office door caused me to glance up, and I saw my mother standing there.
“Sophia, how’s your day going?”
I leaned back in my chair. I knew what was coming. This past weekend was the charity gala for the dance scholarship my parents had started when I was five. It was one of my father’s favorite events to attend each year. My mother had tried her best to put on a strong front, but I knew she was hurting, just like I was.
“It’s going okay. How’s yours?”
She pulled out a chair and sat. “I was hoping to meet your new beau this past weekend.”
I raised my brows. Since telling my mother and Chloe I was dating Josh, they’d left me alone for the most part. Well, except for the occasional question here and there. “My new beau?”
“Yes. I must admit, I thought you’d want to show him off there.”
“He’s not something toshow off, Mom. And besides, I’ve never brought a date to the gala. It was always Daddy’s thing to escort both of us.”
“Your father isn’t here anymore, Sophia.”
I leaned farther over the desk. “Yes, I realize that…Mom.”
She sat back in her seat and exhaled. “I’m sorry. I’m trying to work through my anger with your father, but it’s proving to be difficult. My emotions are all over the place. One minute, I’m beyond sad; the next, I’m so angry I want to punch something.”
Her admission threw me for a loop. Here I had thought she had been handling the death a heck of a lot better than I was. I knew how she felt though. I’d been angry with my father plenty of times since his death. He’d left us without explanation, after all.
“Thereissomething I wanted to talk to you about.”
Every time my mother said that, I got nervous. Would it be about the dance studio? My father? Or another chance for her to grill me about my nonexistent boyfriend.
“Okay,” I said slowly, steeling myself for what would come.
“Your cousin Lori is getting married.”
I relaxed. “I know. Next weekend.”
“She told me today that your RSVP only listed one person.”
And this was why I should never let my guard down with my mother. Sitting up straight, I quickly thought of something to say. “Well, when I RSVP’d, I hadn’t met Josh.”
She waited patiently for me to keep going. When I didn’t, she asked, “And is he going?”
“To be honest, I haven’t asked him.”
“Well, why not? It’s been over a month now. I’m beginning to think you made this whole thing up, Sophia.”
I wanted to tell her Ihad, because she wouldn’t stop nagging me. But I couldn’t be cruel like that.
“I just kept forgetting. He might have to work at the fire station.”
She tilted her head and pointed to my cell. “Call him and ask.”