Page 47 of Death and Desire
Chapter Twelve
Violet swept the finalstrands of her hair into a chignon at the base of her neck. The evening breeze drifted in through the open balcony door, a gentle reminder the hour grew late.
A glance at the clock made her swear.Damn.Dinner began five minutes ago. Her father would be quite displeased, especially when she offered the excuses of both her brother and David. Isaac certainly knew how to bargain when it came down to it.
She grabbed a light wrap to cover her bare shoulders and braced herself for the certain confrontation she would face when her father realized his son’s absence. Pasting a sweet smile on her lips, Violet made her way to the restaurant.
When she entered the small private room, she stopped short, startled at the scene before her. Her father sat with several men, among whom was one she hadn’t anticipated.
James rose from his seat with the rest of the party. His presence puzzled her. She’d last encountered him on the fateful trip on the Nile. His bespoke suit and genteel appearance complimented the rest of the men in the room, every one an extremely wealthy businessman. It bothered her to have not realized before, but his attentions, it seemed, had been not for her benefit but his own.
“Ah, Violet, please, join us.” Her father motioned to an empty chair at the table.
Ignoring a twist of unease, Violet smiled brightly. “Forgive me. I lost track of time.”
“No harm done.” James flashed a regal grin and pulled out the seat beside him. “Please, join us.”
The other men nodded in agreement, and her father made quick introductions.
Violet settled into the cushioned chair and placed a white linen across her lap.
“And this is James Beaumond,” her father continued, motioning to the gentleman beside her. “An American businessman researching...what was it again?”
“Crude oil,” James said. “My family owns a refinery in Louisiana.”
“American, you say?” She lifted her brows in polite curiosity.
“Yes, but we won’t hold it against him.” Her father laughed, and the other men joined in. “He’s got quite the appetite, venturing across the Atlantic searching did you phrase it? Alternative forms of energy?”
“Something like that, yes,” James demurred before turning to her. “Your father graciously invited me to dinner after a run-in this morning. It seems there was a mix-up, and our parcels were delivered to the wrong rooms.” He laughed. “How fortuitous.”
Violet bit her tongue to keep from saying something rude. The few encounters she’d had with James painted him in a very different light than the man who sat beside her. Charming and handsome, of course, but she would wager any amount of money themix-uphad not been an accident. The way he blended seamlessly into the group seated around the table told her it had been orchestrated. Was it to put him closer toher? Or for him to gain an audience withher father?
“When James told me he’d already made your acquaintance, I invited him to dinner.” Her father glanced between them. “I trust that meets with your approval?”
“Of course.” Violet lifted her wineglass in salute. “The more, the merrier.”
As if on cue, a dark figure appeared in the doorway. The tension in Violet’s limbs softened when Khalid entered the room.