Page 48 of Death and Desire
“My apologies.” He bowed. “I received your summons.”
“Yes, Khalid, please join us.” Violet gaped at the realization her father invited him to the dinner.
She held the glass to her lips, inhaling fragrant wine as her father introduced him to the rest of his guests. Khalid settled in the chair opposite her, his dark eyes searching, his expression completely neutral. How could a man hide himself so easily behind a mask of indifference?
A mask. She chuckled to herself. He certainly wore more than one. Her soft laugh drew curious glances. She cleared her throat and set her wine aside.
While the servers placed the first course before them, Violet regarded the man opposite her while pointedly ignoring the man beside her. She reached out with her mind.
Why are you here?
Khalid held her gaze.Your father invited me. It would have been impolite to refuse.
I’m sure you could have found a way to politely decline.
I had no reason to lie.He lifted his glass, conversation continuing around them.Would you rather I leave you in his company?
Violet noted the gentle sweep of his gaze settle briefly on James, who seemed distracted enough by the discussion to not notice her discomfort.
If I desired spending time in his company, what difference would it make to you?
None.Khalid sipped the wine.If you desired him, I would know. You do not.
Her cheeks warmed at the brusque observation.I told you to stay out of my mind.
I do not need to know your thoughts to read your desires, little thief. Desire is a release of pheromones, an easily recognizable scent.
A snort erupted from her, and she nearly choked on her wine. The action drew the attention of the rest of the dinner party, but she played it off, feigning clumsiness.
How could he say such things and expect no reaction? Did he do this on purpose?
He desires you,Khalid continued, his voice both soothing and disconcerting inside her mind.
Enough.She smoothed her hand over her lap, brushing down an errant corner of the napkin. The voice in her head went silent, and a pang of guilt stabbed her.
James turned to her, attempting to engage her in friendly conversation. Khalid remained silent, taking slow, methodical bites of braised lamb and allowing his gaze to skim across the dinner party, as though committing their faces to memory.
Perhaps he was. He was Anubis, after all.
“How are you enjoying Cairo, my dear?” Dina’s father, Ibrahim, asked, pulling Violet from her thoughts.
“It’s a lovely city. I enjoy exploring it.” She kept her answer simple and unfettered, lest her father catch wind of herotheradventures by an inadvertent slip of her tongue. “Your daughter has been quite gracious showing me all of the wonders it has to offer.”
“I’m just glad she has someone to keep her company.” He fell into a story about a recent trip to Italy, and Violet’s attention drifted away as the conversation shifted to other topics.
“Is something wrong?” James’s soft question echoed in her ear.
“Not at all.” She stabbed a piece of lamb and stuffed it in her mouth.
He chuckled. “You look like you’d rather be anywhere else.”
“You’re quite perceptive.” She offered a smile she didn’t feel. “Are you enjoying your meal?”
“I am,” he whispered conspiratorially. “I’m enjoying your company even more.”
Unease glided over her skin at his candor. James had never done or said anything to give her cause for concern, but there was just something about him to set her on edge. A sense of foreboding hung in the air at his presence. He was polite and gracious, handsome to a fault, and she could find no valid reason why she should feel such strong distaste for his company. And after Khalid’s candid observation, she was more keenly aware of his interest in her.
Her attention fell back to her plate. “You flatter me.”