Page 81 of Death and Desire
Chapter Twenty-Two
The unforgiving, familiarsun shone on her face as the smoke around them cleared. A sigh of relief escaped Violet when familiar greenery filled her vision. The garden inside the courtyard of the Continental.
Violet stared at the man holding her. Gone was the foreboding profile of Anubis, replaced by the stern, stubbled jaw of Khalid. He turned his attention to her, his dark gaze softening in the glimmering sunlight.
“How long has it been?” Violet asked, fear piercing her. “My father will be in an absolute panic.”
“It has been but a moment.” He gestured to the dining area beyond the garden, where the soft strains of conversation drifted to them through the leaves. “Your father and brother are still enjoying breakfast and awaiting your arrival.”
“But how is that possible?”
“Time does not exist in the Netherworld.” Khalid lowered her until her feet touched the ground. Still, she clung to him, reaching up to brush a lock of hair from his brow.
“I...” Violet bit her tongue, stopping the thought before she had a chance to form into words.
Khalid tipped her chin up. “You have questions.”
“This seems to be a recurrent problem.” Violet leaned into his touch, savoring his warmth in the shade of the palm fronds overhead.
Khalid regarded her carefully. “What concerns you most?”
With a deep inhale, she reached into the depths of her mind and pulled her burning curiosity into the light. “Seth stole your heart.” Her voice trembled. “How will you get it back?”
Khalid smiled. Not a small twist at the corner of his mouth, but a complete transformation. He glowed. The action radiated from within, contrasting his warm golden tan with his perfectly white teeth.
Saints, he’d been handsome before, but now he was truly magnificent.
Then a sound she’d never heard burst from his lips. Laughter. Not a rollicking guffaw, but a steady warm chuckle that grew and blossomed to a delightful sound of amusement.
Violet stared at him in awe and blinked. Twice. “You...can laugh.”
The sound faded as he sobered. “Of course I can laugh.”
“But...whyare you laughing?”
“I’m touched by your concern for my heart.” The smile remained, muted but present on his full lips. “It is quite safe, I assure you.”
“How is that possible?” Violet sputtered. “Seth took the jewel.”
“He did.” Khalid cocked his head. “But it no longer contained my heart when I returned it to you.”
What in the devil was he saying? Had he...? Violet poked him square in the chest several times before resting her palm over the place where the organ should have been.
Her gaze flew to his when she felt the steady beat of a heart beneath her palm.
“You returned it?”
“Not exactly.”
“Where is it?”
“Somewhere safe.” Khalid took her hand in his.