Page 82 of Death and Desire
“Where?” she asked again as his strong fingers cupped hers.
“Here.” He placed her hand over her own heart.
Violet gasped. “You gave it to me?”
“I told you before, my little flower...” He closed the gap between them, releasing her hand and clasping her chin in his capable fingers. “My heart belongs to you.”
“I thought it was a figure of speech,” Violet muttered beneath her breath, knowing this man was far from metaphorical. But no...every word he spoke could be taken a thousand ways. Leave it to him to be quite literal in his confession of love.
“I placed my heart in your care. It was the most logical solution, and the safest place in the world.” Desire and conviction laced his words. “In doing so, we are bound for eternity.”
“Am I immortal?” Violet swayed as the connection fell into place. She ignored his thumb brushing her jaw in a soothing motion.
“Yes.” The heat in his gaze burned into her, igniting a flame inside her she could not—would never—be able to deny. “Unless something has changed? I will take it back if that is what you wish.”
“Nothing has changed.” Violet clung to him, grasping his lapels to steady herself, to keep him close. “I am honored. But don’t you want it back?”
Khalid shook his head. “My heart is where it was always meant to be—in your capable hands.” He cradled her face between his palms and lowered his lips to hers, stopping before they touched. “Fate has a design, my little flower, and it has placed my heart in your care. Who am I to question such a gift?”
“You are Anubis, protector of the dead.” Her breath caught at the ache in her chest. “I am no one.”
“You are human, but you are not no one. Not to me.” He touched his forehead to hers, and she breathed in the scent of him. “You aremine, Violet, and I protect what is mine.”
Her heart took flight at his words, fluttering like a bird. “What could a god possibly want from a mortal?”
“Love.” The solitary word lingered between them.
“You love me?” Violet whispered, afraid to break the spell.
“I love you.” His smile returned briefly, vanishing the moment his lips crashed down on hers.
Violet melted into his embrace, surrendering to the kiss. This man—thisgod—desired her. He wanted her, claimed her. Fate be damned. She would follow him to the ends of the earth.
When he slid his tongue between her parted lips, she gasped and tangled her fingers in his thick hair.
A discreet cough sounded in the distance, but Violet was loath to abandon the passionate embrace. Another cough, louder this time.
Khalid broke the kiss with a growl. Their panting breaths mingled as he pressed his head to hers.
“I hate to interrupt, but Father is growing impatient.”
Violet cringed at her brother’s pointed words. She couldn’t bear the thought of facing him after being caught in such a position. Khalid’s embrace tightened, his hand stroking her spine.
“We will be there directly. Just give us a moment,” Khalid replied for her.
“You have three minutes,” Isaac said.
Violet turned to see her brother disappear around the corner. She collapsed against Khalid, heat burning her cheeks.
“I thought no one could see us!” She jabbed him in the arm. “Warn me next time, would you?”
“If you wish to remain with me, you will have to reveal the truth.” He brushed an escaped lock of hair from her face and tipped her chin up, bringing her gaze to his.
“You wish for me to remain in Egypt with you?”
“Was that request not implied when I confessed my love?” The corner of his mouth twitched.
“I guess it was, but I hadn’t given it much thought.” She studied him carefully, searching for hidden meaning or duplicitous intent. “If I stay, how can we possibly make this work?”