Page 91 of Death and Desire
The base of his cock swelled, as though he were seated permanently inside her. Violet reared back, her eyes wide at the strange sensation. Not unpleasant, but...unnatural.
“I tried to tell you.” Anubis licked the wound on her shoulder. The sting lasted only a moment, then the sensation faded completely.
“Warn me of what?” She tried to move, but they were sealed together, his cock firmly entrenched inside her cunt.
“My knot,” he murmured, rubbing his muzzle into her shoulder.
“Your...what?” Violet stumbled over the word in her mind, unable to comprehend what he was saying. “Why are we stuck together?”
“It’s a knot.” He drew back to meet her gaze. He looked almost...embarrassed. “In this form, when I climax, it forms a bond, sealing us together for a short period of time.”
A snort escaped her. “Why would it—oh!”
The realization struck like a thunderbolt. To ensure his seed took hold.
“Is...procreating even possible between us?”
“I don’t know,” Anubis confessed. “My experiences are limited in this form.”
“And in your human form?” Violet asked, curiosity winning once again.
“Even less.”
“Are you...were you a virgin?” Violet gaped at him.
“Not in the strictest sense, but I have never allowed myself to bond with another.” He rocked his hips where they were still joined and grasped her hips in his massive palms. “You are mine, Violet, and I have claimed you as such with my seed and my mark.”
She traced her fingers over the bite on her shoulder. Warmth tingled beneath her touch.
“I give you my heart, my body, everything I am.” He pressed his cheek to hers. “Until the end of the ages and beyond.”
“Anubis.” She kissed his muzzle, savoring the slide of silken fur against her lips. “You should have warned me.”
“I attempted to.” He sighed. “Forgive me.”
“There is nothing to forgive.” She wrapped her arms around his neck. “I was already yours.”
“Come, let us bathe in the pool.” He carried her in his arms as the knot was still fully seated within her. “It will ease the pain.”
Violet rested her head on his shoulders as he spirited them down the hall to the healing pool. As he climbed in the water beside her and pulled her against his chest, she sighed in contentment. No one had ever treated her with such care and consideration after sex.
After his knot loosened, freeing their movement, Anubis washed her, exploring and caressing every intimate part of her. His hand settled between her thighs, his fingers gently coaxing and stroking. The flame of desire ignited again, and she squirmed, relishing the slow bloom of pleasure. Just like the night in the garden, he teased her with his long fingers and nuzzled her neck, murmuring in an ancient language as she climbed higher and higher.
As her climax peaked, Violet clung to him in the warm, calming waters. Her breath echoed off the marble walls, synchronized with the beat of her heart until they both slowed to a peaceful rhythm.
With a gentle kiss to her temple, Anubis lifted her from the water, and together, they returned to his bed, where she slept, sated and content, in the embrace of the god of the dead.