Page 92 of Death and Desire
Chapter Twenty-Five
In Violet’s mind, theNetherworld provided two important things. A respite from the mortal realm where time was a dark cloud over her head, and an opportunity to explore her repressed carnal appetite.
Falling in love with Anubis had unleashed something inside her. A hunger unlike anything she had ever experienced. And his ability to alternate between two physical forms left her in a perpetual state of desire. What truths would she unravel over the course of their eternity together? The thought left her aching.
Anubis answered whatever questions she proposed. His revelations showed her the world she thought she knew was nothing but a glimmering facade. He revealed the depth and complexity of not only the mortal plane, but the intricate workings of unseen realms.
“Are you ready to go?” Anubis asked from the doorway.
Violet turned away from the mirror and smoothed her hands over her dress. He’d procured her a wardrobe, complete with jewelry, shoes, makeup, and the other finery she required. Some of these things were unnecessary in the Netherworld, but she needed them when they traveled to the mortal realm.
Anubis wore only the belted linen around his waist, forgoing the gilded trappings of his station. His dark skin practically absorbed the light around him, and he glowed from within. His gold eyes roamed over her before his mouth twisted in a canine smile.
He looked positively ravishing, and he washers.
A secretive grin stole across her lips as she crossed the room, noting the hunger in his gaze.
“Are you sure about this?” he asked, offering his hand.
“Absolutely.” She slipped her hand in his. “They deserve to know the truth.”
“And your father?”
“Perhaps one day, but let’s take this one step at a time, shall we?”
“As you wish, my little flower.”
The black smoke consumed them both, transporting them across dimensions to the mortal plane. When it cleared, they stood in the garden of the Continental. Khalid smiled at her as the final wisps of black disappeared into sunlight.
Violet studied his handsome face. She loved what lay within, but both forms had their advantages. A wicked thought stole across her mind.
Khalid’s eyes darkened as he read her thoughts. “Insatiable,” he muttered.
“I blame it entirely on you.” Violet jabbed him in the chest.
He took her by the wrist and pressed a kiss to her parted lips. She melted into him.
When they broke apart, she sighed, distracted and dreamy.
“It has been days for us, but only hours for them,” Khalid whispered as he drew away.
Violet nodded. “Can you create a barrier to shield us?”
“That would be the simplest solution, but no, we must follow through.” Khalid inclined his head. “Allow me to summon them.”
“You can do that?” Violet was stunned by the revelation.